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Chat service – this section contains detailed information about all messages that were sent between bots and operators for all dependent companies of the reseller.

Id ID of the dependent company.
Name name of the dependent company
Operator messagestotal number of messages that were sent by operators to clients
Operator messages priceprice for messages that were sent by operators to clients
Bot messages (with first)total number of messages that were sent by bots.
Bot message priceprice for messages that were sent by bots to clients.
User messagestotal number of messages that were sent by clients
Price of user messages total price for messages that were sent by clients.
Operator messages Alicetotal number of messages that were sent in chats using with the voice assistant Alice
Bot messages Alicetotal number of messages that were sent as notifications with the voice assistant Alice
User messages Alice total number of messages that were sent with the voice assistant Alice
Price Alices's messagesprice for all messages that were sent with the voice assistant Alice
Total price to Twintotal amount charged for using Twin services
Total price to resellertotal amount earned by the reseller
Telephony service (legacy)this section contains detailed information about the number, duration and cost of outgoing calls for all dependent companies of the reseller

Id identifier of the dependent company
Name the name of the associated company
Calls total number of outgoing calls
Total duration (seconds)total duration of outgoing calls (in seconds)
Total price to Twin total amount charged for using Twin services
Total price to resellertotal amount earned by the reseller
