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« Предыдущий Версия 3 Следующий »

On the side menu, click Calls – Calls history. A page with a list of performed calls will open.

By default, calls for all scripts are displayed

To display calls for a necessary date, do the following:

  1. Select date and time.

       2. Select script.

The system will automatically display a list of calls that match the specified criterea. The list contains the following information:

  • Call ID
  • Client phone number
  • Call task name
  • Script name
  • Call status
  • Duration
  • Call task creation date and time
  • Call start date and time
  • Data update date and time.

To create a report with detailed information about all calls that displayed on the list, click Export. The system will create a detailed report as a separate xls file.

  • Client external ID
  • Additional information
  • Call ID
  • Call start date and time
  • Called number
  • Caller ID
  • Region
  • Time zone
  • Call status
  • Call duration
  • Conversation duration
  • Cost
  • IVR listened
  • Duration of IVR
  • Button press
  • Call status
  • Comment;
  • Call record address
  • Call transcript
  • Call results
  • Last detected emotion
  • Duration of conversation with bot
  • Cost of conversation with bot
  • Client ended call
  • Gender
  • NPS
  • Request for help by bot
  • Dialog markers

  • Нет меток