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On the side menu click Calls Call tasks. As a result the Call tasks page will open.


All outbound calls with voice bots are made on the basis of call tasks.

On this page you can manage your call tasks that are used to make outbound calls with voice bots.

Searching for call tasks


  • Search for call tasks by call task name and Id
  • Search for call tasks by call date and time

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To search for call tasks by a call task name enter the necessary value in the search field on the left side of the page.

To search for call tasks by call date and time set up the necessary period of time in the search field on the right side of the page.


When you set up a period of time to search for call tasksselect the start and end dates, you also need to choose specify the time when this period startsnecessary time that marks the beginning of the selected period.

Search results are displayed automatically.

Use To delete specified values use the Clear button to clear the search field..

Filtering call tasks

You can quickly display all call tasks that belong to specific categories (for example, all call tasks that are in progress or call tasks that have been scheduled but are not started). For this use filtration buttons located in the upper right corner of the page.


To view detailed information about a call task , click the button for in the necessary call taskline.

A As a result a page with detailed information about the selected call task will open.

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At the top part of the page there are control elements for managing the current selected call task.

In the Statistics section there is the summary information about the selected call task in the form of pie charts.


  • Call task status
  • Information about calls contained in the all calls that were made using the selected call task
  • Call performanceresults (effective and ineffective calls)
  • Frequency of call transfers from bots to the operatoroperators

At the bottom of the page is a list of calls that are included in the were made using the selected call task.

Above this list there are filters that you You can use fields at the top of the list to search for necessary calls in on the call tasklist.

Using the first filter, field you can search for calls by the following criteria: Client ID


With Using the second filter field you can search by the date and time of the call.

To clear the filter fields use the Clear button.

On the right side of the filter bar there are control elements that allow you to adjust the size of the list with search results. The list can contain the following number of entries: 10, 50, and 100.

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Search results are displayed as a list at the bottom of the page.

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filter calls by call period.


When you select the start and end dates, you also need to specify the necessary time that marks the beginning of the selected period.

Search results are displayed automatically at the bottom of the page.

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The page contains Search results provide the following information about calls:

  • Client ID
  • Client's phone number
  • Call status
  • Call date
  • Planned call time
  • Call duration
  • Call cost

At the end of each line with call information there are control elements for that allow you to do the following actions:

  • Play the conversation

  • Viewing View detailed information about a the call.

  • Switching to editing Open the script (for more details, see Scenario editor).

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Creating new call tasks

To make phone calls to clients using a voice bot, you need to create a call task.

For this do the following:


Image Added

To delete specified search and filter values use the Clear button.


On the right side of the filter bar there are control elements that allow you to adjust the size of the list of calls. The list can contain the following number of entries: 10, 50, and 100.

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Creating new call tasks

To make phone calls to clients using a voice bot, you need to create a call task.

For this do the following:

1. From the menu on the left click Calls Call tasks. The Call tasks page will open.

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2. At the top left corner click Add new call task.

Image Added


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2. At the top left corner click Add new call task.

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As a result a new dialog box window will open as shown below.

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3. Do the following:

  • In the Task Name field enter a name for the call task. This field is required.



It is recommended to use brief and concise names. Later this will help you to quickly find a call task on the list.

  • In the Please select script field select a necessary script from the list. This . The script will define the behavior of the voice bot during the call.



Using the "Download template" link, you can download a template to create a file with a list of clients for the call task (for more details, see <a href="https://confluence.twin24.ai/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=28672045" target="_blank"> Format of clients file </a>)

Once you prepare the file with a list of clients file, you can add it to the call task.

  • In the Dial plan field select a necessary dial plan. The dial plan determines the mobile network carrier that is used to make calls to clients. You can choose select a standard Twin mobile network carrier or one of the mobile network carrier registered by the user (for more information, see the Dial plans section)carriers that you have registered for your account.


The default dial plan provided by default uses the standard Twin mobile network carrier.


You can select a dial plan that uses a mobile network carrier registered by the user. In this case the If you select one of your registered dial plans then the phone number used for outgoing calls must belong to the same mobile network carrier as the phone number displayed on the client's mobile device during the call. Otherwise the call may not succeed or the client may become unavailable.

  • In the Ambient noise field select an audio file with background noise that the system will play during a call with a client. After selecting any of the available options you select a file from the list, you can click on the button and listen to play the audio file.


Background noise helps create a suitable atmosphere during a call (for example, office or street sounds, etc.), which increases the effectiveness of dialoguescan make your bot sound more natural and your calls become more effective.


The system allows you to upload custom audio files with background noise in a ".wav" format. For this select Not selected in the drop-down list and then click on the button.

  • In the Human/Robot identification system field you can select Enabled to enable the system that detects the type of call participant (human or answering machine). After this you must define its operation mode.

The human/Robot identification system can operate in the following modes are available:

    • Background identification mode – identification is performed in the background during a call. If the system detects the answering machine, then the call is automatically ended. This mode is used by default.
    • Detection mode with lockout – the voice robot bot will not start a conversation until the system detects that a human is on the call.

During the operation of the detection system the voice robot bot may respond to a client with small delays. To fill in silence you can use the a greeting feature. This feature allows you to play an audio file with a certain phrase (for example, wait a minute) when a delay occurs during the operation of the detection system. In the Greeting file field you can select a necessary audio file.



You can upload custom greeting files in a ".wav" format. For this, select Without a greeting in the drop-down list and then click on the button.

  • In the Definable phone number field select the phone number that the system will use for outgoing calls. This number will be displayed on the client's mobile phone screen during the call.


    • Default the default CallerID provided by Twin is used. This option is recommended if you make calls using the standard Twin dial plan.
    • CallerID Groups – one of phone numbers included in the CallerID group is used. If you select this value, you should also select the name of the CallerID group. This option is recommended if you make calls using your own dial plan.

As a rule a CallerID group contains a set of phone numbers that can be displayed on the client's phone. Each of these phone numbers can be used by the system to make calls.

When you make a call, the receiver of a phone call will capture and display the the phone number from the Caller ID group, which is associated with the phone number that the system uses to make a call.

  • CallerID – a specific phone number registered by the user with the mobile network carrier is used. If you select this value, you must enter the corresponding phone number in the additional field. This option is recommended if you make calls using your own dial plan.

When you set up a phone number that is displayed on the client’s phone screen, you must use a number that is registered with the same mobile network carrier that is used to make a call. For example, if you make calls a call with MegafonSancom, then in the Definable phone number filed you should enter a phone number that is registered with this mobile network carrier. Otherwise, the call may not succeed, the line may be busy or the client may be unavailable. To use a phone number as your Caller ID, you must send a request to the Twin technical support.

  • In the Redirect by default field select the necessary type of call forwarding option. It will be used if the Forwarding action field in the Result block of the selected script is set to Use task settings. It also will be used when the voice robot bot requests help.

The following values options are available for selection:

    • Hangup all calls will be are automatically ended.
      Dialing plan – forwards calls to the specified phone number. When this value is selectedIf you select this option, you need to specify the dial plan that the system will use to make calls and the target phone number to which calls will be forwarded.
    • Call transfer forwards calls to the specified direction (for more details see Creating a New Call Forwarding Direction). When . If you select this valueoption, you need to specify the necessary direction in the additional field.
    • Customer transfer – forwards calls to third-party phone numbers. This should be used if your account is integrated with external systems.
    • Another bot the voice bot starts using another script in a call. When If you select this valueoption, you need to specify the necessary script in the additional field.
  • In the Task Start Mode field select one of the following options:
    • Manually – call task is started manually by the administrator (for details see Starting Calls Manually).
    • Scheduled – call task starts automatically. When this value is selectedIf you select this option, you will need to select the necessary date and time for starting the call.


  • In the Number of simultaneous calls field use the slider to select the call intensity. This parameter determines the number of calls that the system will make per second.

The following values options are available for selection:


  • In the Call candidates file field select a file with a list of clients to call.

  • If necessary specify the a call duration for calls that you want to be considered ineffective. The system will use the specified value to mark calls as ineffective in generated reports.


  • If you want to determine the gender of the call participant in the call, select the checkbox next to the Detection Determination of gender parameter checkbox. This information will be used in the generated reports.

  • The Test call parameter blocks usage of a file with client phone numbers. If the this checkbox for this parameter is not selected, then you will not be able to upload a file with client phone numbers for the call task.


  • If you need to convert phone numbers in the call task to the international format in accordance with the E.164 standard, select the necessary country in the field.




  • In the Redial Recall rules field select events the conditions and the start mode for returned calls.



Currently this feature is only available for Russian numbers.

You can select the following options:

The following parameters conditions are available:

    • If busyline is busy.
    • If there is no answer – client does not answer the call (does not pick up the phone).
    • If the answering machine – call is answered by an auto answer (to use this parameter select the "Human/Robot" identification system option in the call task settings).
    • If the call is short – client answers but quickly finishes the call.
    • If operator failure – a technical failure occurs during the call.

To define recall parameters specify a period of time after which the system will make a returned call and the maximum number of attempts to call the clientto to make returned calls.

The following options are available for selecting to set the redial start mode of returned calls:


You select the If Busy rule and the If the call is short rule. On the 3rd dialing attempt according to the Busy rule, the client answers the call and then ends it within the duration of the short call you specified. In this case the system will not count the 3rd dialing attempt according to the If Busy rule. After the end of the call it will repeat the 3rd dialing attempt. At the same time, the system will count the 1st dialing attempt under the If the call is short rule. As a result, the counter of completed dialing attempts will change only for the If the call is short rule. The counter of completed dialing attempts for the If Busy rule will remain unchanged.

4. When you are done, click Save.

As a result new call task will be created.

Editing call tasks

To edit a call task click the Image Removed button for the necessary record on the list.

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As a result the following dialog window will open as displayed in the image below.

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The steps for editing a call task are similar to those described in section Creating new call tasks.

Deleting call tasks

To delete a call task, do the following:

      1. On the Call tasks page click Image Removed for a task you want to delete.

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      2. In the dialog box click OK to confirm the action.

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4. When you are done, click Save.

As a result new call task will be createdThe selected call task will be deleted.

Managing call tasks

Using control elements at the top of the page you can perform various actions on with calls.


Cancelling calls

To cancel resumed calls, use the Image Removed, use the Image Addedbutton on the page with information about the call task.

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As a result the system will cancel all resumed calls in the call task.

Exporting call reports

To create a report use theImage Addedbutton on the page with information about the call task.

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As a result the system will cancel all resumed calls in will generate a report with detailed information about the call task. This report will be available as a separate file with the .xls extension.

Downloading call reports

Once a call report is generated, you can download it at any time. For this click the Image Addedbutton that is located on the page with information about the call task.

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Exporting call reports with variables

To create a report with variables use the Image Removed Image Addedbutton on the page with information about the call task.

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As a result, the system will generate a report with detailed information about the call task. This report will be available variables as a separate file with the .xls XLS extension.

Downloading call reports

Once a call report is generated, you can download it The generated report can be downloaded at any time. For this click use the Image Modifiedbutton that is located will appear on the page with information about the call task.

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Exporting call reports with variables

Quick actions with call tasks

Control elements for quick actions with call tasks are located To create a report with variables use the Image Removedbutton on the page with information about the a call task.

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As a result, the system will generate a report with variables as a separate file with the XLS extension.

The generated report can be downloaded at any time. For this use the Image Removedbutton that will appear on the page with information about the call task.

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Quick actions with call tasks

Control elements for quick actions with call tasks are located on the page with information about a call task.

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The following actions are available:

Image Removed - view detailed information about the call task

Image Added

The following actions are available:

Image Added - view detailed information about the call task

Image Added - edit the call script

Editing call tasks

To edit a call task click the Image Added button for the necessary record on the list.

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As a result the following dialog window will open as displayed in the image below.

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The steps for editing a call task are similar to those described in section Creating new call tasks.

Deleting call tasks

To delete a call task, do the following:

      1. On the Call tasks page click Image Added for a task you want to delete.

Image Added

      2. In the dialog box click OK to confirm the action.

Image Added

The selected call task will be deleted.Image Removed - edit the call script


Button Hyperlink
