To create a blacklist of outgoing numbers click at the top right corner of the page and then click Blacklist.
As a result the Blacklist page will open. On this page you can set up a list of phone numbers that the system will not call even if they are added to the call task.
To add a new phone number on the blacklist click the Add phone button at the top of the page. In the Add phone to the blacklist dialog box enter the phone number in the following format: 7ХХХХХХХХХХ.
To add multiple phone numbers enter each number on a separate line.
Click Create to save changes.
To edit a phone number select the necessary number on the list and click Edit. In the Edit phone dialog window change the phone number as necessary.
Click Save to save changes.
To delete a phone number select the necessary number from the list and click Delete. The selected number will be deleted. The system will call this number if you add it to a call task.