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General Information

The dial plan defines which mobile network carrier is used to make outgoing calls in call tasks.

From the side menu, click Telephony Dial plans. As a result, a page will open with a list of all dial plans created in your account.

On this page, you can create new dial plans, edit dial plans, and delete dial plans that you do not use in call tasks.

Creating a new dial plan

To create a new dial plan, do the following:

 1.  Click .

 2.  In the New dialplan window, do the following:

    • Enter a name for a new dial plan

It is recommended that you use simple and concise names for dial plans you create. Later this will help you to quickly find necessary dial plans.

    • If necessary, add a short description

To use the default mobile network carrier for outgoing calls, select the Platform telephony option.

To use a third-party mobile network carrier for outgoing calls, do the following:

  • Click the New rule button to create a rule for using phone numbers to make outgoing calls. A dial plan can contain multiple rules.
  • Select a necessary mobile network carrier from the list.

  • To limit the range of phone numbers for outgoing calls by DEF code, enter the necessary code in the Prefix field.

When you create rules, mind the following:

  • Mobile network carrier is selected
  • No prefix is used

  • Mobile network carrier is selected
  • Prefix is used

  • To save changes, click Save.

If you use a dial plan with rules in your call tasks, then the system will make calls to the defined ranges of phone numbers with selected mobile network carriers. Outgoing calls to other phone numbers will be made using the standard mobile network carrier.

Editing a dial plan

To edit a dial plan, click next to its name

The Change dialplan window will open as shown below.

Make necessary changes to the required fields and click Save.

The steps for editing a dial plan are similar to those, described in the Creating a new dial plan section.

Deleting a dial plan

If you do not use a certain dial plan, you can delete it. For this, click the button next to its name.

The selected dial plan will be deleted


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