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The Prices section contains the price sheet for all services available on the Twin platform

Message Box
titleOn this page:

Main prices


On the side menu click Prices Main prices. As a result the Main prices page will open.

This page contains prices for the main services that you can use on the Twin platform.

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Main prices

The Main prices page contains a list of prices for all main services provided by Twin.


Terms of service and conditions of use are defined in the Twin user agreement.


The mainTariffs.botServicesAPITariff section contains prices for messages sent to clients using Twin API:

Text bot message cost price for a text message sent using Twin API
Voice bot message costprice for a voice message sent using Twin API

The Outgoing call made by the Robot section contains information about the cost of prices for outgoing calls:

Platform telephony


price for an outgoing call using the default Twin mobile network carrier
Client telephony 


price for an outgoing call using a third-party mobile network carrier

The Incoming call processed by the Robot section displays the price of for an incoming call answered by a voice bot.

The Viber messages section displays the price of for a message sent to a client in Viber:



price of a service message


To make outgoing calls using a third-party mobile network carrier, you must register the phone number provided to you by that carrier on the Twin platform.


To send service messages in Viber, you must register your sender name. All service messages in Viber are moderated.



price of a promotional message


The Sms message section shows contains the cost of price for sending an SMS message. Detailed information about prices for sending SMS-messages depending on with regard to your country and a mobile network carrier is provided on the Prices for SMS page.



If you want to send messages by email, you need to send more than 100 000 messages per month. To use this communication channel, you need to create a request to technical support.

The Chat section contains information about prices for sending chat messages in using the following services:

  • Web widget
  • Slack
  • Viber
  • WhatsApp
  • VKontakte
  • Alice
  • Operator

The Operator displays the price for sending a message to a client after the system transfers the dialogue from a bot to an operator.

  • Telegram
  • Promotional message

To send promotional messages , you need to use tasks for notifications. For more details, see Sending promotional messages to TelegramSending promotional messages on the Vkontakte social network.

  • Facebook
  • Yandex
  • IMessage

The Push section displays the price for sending a push notification.


If you want to send push notifications, you need to send more than 100 000 notifications per month. To use this communication channel , you need to create a request to technical support.


The Registering a username to send a message section displays the price for registering the sender name in the following channels:



price for registering the sender name to send promotional SMS messages


price for registering the sender name to send promotional messages in Viber


price for registering the sender name to send promotional messages in WhatsApp

To send promotional messages you must register the sender name. Otherwise , you will not be able to send promotional messages to your customersclients. The sender name must match the name of your company or your website.

Registration of caller ID (numbers) – price for registering a phone number displayed to your clients on incoming calls.


Prices for SMS


On the side menu click Prices

Prices for SMS


. As a result the Prices for SMS page


will open.

This page contains prices for sending SMS messages with regard to your country and mobile network carrier.


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Using the Country field at the top of the page


you can select a


necessary country.

In the center of the page


there is a list of mobile network carriers available for the selected country.


The list also contains unique carrier codes and prices for sending SMS messages via these mobile network carriers.


Prices for


dependent companies

If your organization is a reseller, then on the Companies page you can


set prices for your


dependent companies.


To register

an affiliated

a dependent company


you need to create a request to technical support.

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Viewing prices for dependent companies

To display a list of prices that your organization charges for using Twin services


click Image Modifiedin the line for the necessary


dependent company.


As a result the following dialog window will open.

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The Bot Service tariffs section contains


prices for messages that a bot sends to clients:

Voice bot message cost


price for sending a voice message during a call
Text bot message cost


price for sending a text message in mailing lists and chats

The Telephony service tariffs section contains




for incoming and outgoing calls and related services:

Cost per minute of outgoing call




for an outgoing call made on the Twin platform (per minute).
Cost per minute of incoming call




for an incoming call on the Twin platform (per minute).
The cost of a minute bot communication


price for a minute of communication


with a bot on the Twin platform.


Recognition cost based on Yandex


price for the recognition of the client's speech in a dialogue using Yandex services


Recognition cost based on Google


price for the recognition of the client's speech in a dialogue using Google services


Recognition cost based on Tinkoff


price for the recognition the client's speech in a dialogue using Tinkoff services
Recognition cost based on Twin


price for the recognition of the client's speech in a dialogue using Twin services
Recognition cost based on Amazon


price for the recognition of a client's speech in a dialogue using Amazon services

The Text messaging tariff section contains


prices for outgoing text messages in the following services:

The cost of one email message




for sending an email message
The cost of one push message




for sending a PUSH message
The cost of one SMS message


price for


sending an SMS message
The cost of one Viber message


price for sending a message in Viber
The cost of one WhatsApp message


price for sending a message in WhatsApp
The cost of checking one phone number (HLR)


price for checking if the phone number is valid before sending a message


The cost of one business notification VKontakte


price for sending a message


on the VKontakte social network


Cost of checking one telephone number System1


price for using system 1 when checking if the phone number is valid
Cost of checking one telephone number System2


price for using system 2 when checking if the phone number is valid

The Chats service tariff section contains information about prices for text messages sent in the following chats:

The cost of one Yandex Alice message


price for sending a message


by Yandex Alice
The cost of one chat operator message


price for sending a message


to the client by the chat operator (when transferring the dialogue from a bot to an operator)


The cost of one Slack bot message


price for sending a bot message


in Slack
The cost of one Telegram bot message


price for a message sent by a bot in Telegram
The cost of one Viber bot message


price for a message sent by a bot in Viber.
The cost of one VKontakte bot message


price for a message sent by a bot on the VKontakte social network
The cost of one web bot message


price for a message sent by a bot in the web widget
The cost of one WhatsApp bot message


price for a message sent by a bot in WhatsApp
The cost of one ad message


price for sending a promotional message
The cost of one Facebook bot message


price for a message sent by a bot on the Facebook social network
The cost of one Yandex bot message


price for a message sent by a Yandex bot.
The cost of one Imessage bot


messageprice for a message sent by a bot in IMessage
The cost of the first message to a Whatsapp user (business-initiated)


price for a first message that a bot sends to a client to start a


dialogue in WhatsApp
The cost of the first message from a Whatsapp user (user-initiated)


price for a first message that a client sends to a bot to start a


dialogue in WhatsApp

The Monthly subscription fees section contains


prices for the following types of subscription



Rent a sender name for Viber


price for using the sender name


to send Viber promotional messages
Rent of the alphabetic name of the SMS sender


price for using the sender name


to send promotional SMS messages
Rent of numbers (caller ID)


price for using a phone number displayed to clients on incoming calls
Chat operators


price for


transitioning dialogues from bots to operators

The Tariffs for additional services section contains prices for the following types of additional services:

The cost of registering the sender's name for SMS


price for registering the sender name


to send SMS messages
The cost of registering the sender's name for Viber


price for registering the sender name


to send messages in Viber
The cost of registering the sender's name for WhatsApp


price for registering the sender name for


send messages in WhatsApp

The Audio service section contains the following information:

The cost is 1 second of audio recording


price for using the audio parsing service in a dialogue with a client (in seconds)


Editing prices



edit the price for a service, enter a


necessary value in the field next to the service name and click Save.


The Deviations from tariff field displays the difference between the price that you charge a dependent company for using a Twin service

for the affiliated company

and your price for using this service.

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Viewing history of


price changes 

To view the history of price changes for


a dependent company


click the Tariff change history button.

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As a result, the following information


will be displayed at the bottom of the window:


  • Service name
  • Old and new


  • prices charged for using the service
  • Name of the person who


  • changed the price for the service
  • Date and time


  • when the price was changed

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To close the window


click anywhere on the page.


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