Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


To access the Call tasks page click Calls Call tasks on the side menu.

Managing call tasks

General information

Using control elements at the top of the page you can perform various actions on calls.


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Display only problem calls

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Add one client to a call task

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Add multiple clients to a call task

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Restart unsuccessful calls

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Cancel calls for unavailable clients

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Export a call report

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Download a call report

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Export a call report with variables

With control elements at the bottom of the page, you can perform the following quick actions with call tasks:


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Display call details

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Copy call ID

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Display call script

Viewing problem calls

To display problem calls use the button.


Unanswered calls are regarded as unsuccessful. These calls have the following statuses:

  • Busy
  • Unanswered
  • Unavailable

Depending on the code received from the mobile carrier, the following statuses are possible:

  • Busy signal is received
  • Client did not answer the call (did not pick up the phone)
  • Client is not available
CanceledClient cancelled the call
No connection

The phone number is dialed but the call does succeed (incorrect call settings, mobile carrier errors)

FailedThe called succeeded but finished unexpectedly due to an error
InvalidThe wrong format of phone number (for example: 8447911123456. The correct format of phone number: 447911123456)


You may see an Undefined mark next to the status name. This mark indicates that the call task does not use the detection of the answering machine feature (the "Human/Robot Detection System" checkbox is not selected).
