On this page:


BPL operations work only in chats and incoming calls. To test scenarios with BPL operations, use chats in the widget.

Also see Creating a test widget.

General functions

del(varName string)

Purpose: deletion of a local or module variable.


  1. varName is the name of the variable as a string. The name can start with a variable scope prefix. If the prefix is ​​omitted, then the variable is regarded to be local.

Returned value: none.

Usage example
$localVar = 123
#moduleVar = true
del("$localVar")   // Deletes the local variable $localVar
del("localVar")    // Result is the same as for del("$localVar")
del("#moduleVar")  //  Deletes a variable visiable within a module

setClientTimezoneOffset(offset int)

Назначение: changes bot collocutor's timezone offset.


  1. offset – timezone offset in minutes.

Возвращаемое значение: none.

Примечание: call of this function leads to change of environment variables now, today and time according to the set timezone.

Примеры использования

Math functions

math.pos(num mixed) number

Purpose: converts the argument to a number. The function acts as equivalent to the unary "+" operator.


  1. num – arbitrary value that will be converted to a number.

Returned value: number.

Usage example
$a = math.pos(true)  // $a will be equal tо 1
$a = math.pos(false) // $a will be equal to 0
$a = math.pos(nil)   // $a will be equal to 0
$a = +true           // $a will be equal to 1, same as math.pos(true)

math.neg(num number) number

Purpose: changes the sign of a number. The function acts as equivalent to the unary operation "-".


  1. num – an arbitrary number whose sign changes to the opposite.

Returned value: the same number with the opposite sign.

Usage example
$a = math.neg(-1) // $a will be equal to 1
$a = math.neg(1)  // $a will be equal to -1
$a = math.neg(0)  // $a will be equal to 0
$a = -(-10)       // $a will be equal to 10, same as math.neg(-10)

math.inv(num number) number

Purpose: bit number inversion. This function is equivalent to the unary operator "~".


  1. num – an arbitrary number with invertible bits.

Returned value: inverted number.

Usage example
$a = math.inv(5) // $a is equal to -6
$a = ~5          // same as previous line

math.not(num number) bool

Purpose: logical negation of a number. This function is equivalent to the unary operation "!".


  1. num – an arbitrary number.

Returned value: true if num is not equal to 0; otherwise false.

Usage example
$a = math.not(5) // $a is equal to false
$a = math.not(0) // $a is equal to true
$a = !0          // same as previous line

math.add(num1 number, num2 number, precision int = 12) number

Purpose: addition of numbers.  This function is equivalent to the binary operation "+".


  1. num1 – the first part
  2. num2 – the second part.
  3. precision – the accuracy of calculation, the number of digits after the decimal point. The default value is 12. The maximum value is 14.

Returned value: sum of numbers.

Usage example
$a = math.add(1.5, 3.5)         // $a is equal to 5
$a = 1.5 + 3.5                  // same as previous line
$a = math.add(1.000006, 2.1, 5) // $a is equal to 3.10001

math.sub(num1 number, num2 number, precision int = 12) number

Purpose: difference of numbers. This function is equivalent to the binary operation "-".


  1. num1 – minuend.
  2. num2 – subtrahend.
  3. precision – calculation accuracy, the number of digits after the decimal point. The default value is 12, the maximum is 14.

Returned value: difference of numbers.

Usage example
$a = math.sub(1.5, 3.5)         // $a is equal to -2
$a = 1.5 - 3.5                  // same as previous line
$a = math.sub(2.100006, 1.1, 5) // $a is equal to 1.00001

math.mul(num1 number, num2 number, precision int = 12) number

Purpose: multiplication. This function is equivalent to the binary operation "*".


  1. num1 – first multiplier.
  2. num2 – second multiplier.
  3. precision – calculation accuracy, the number of digits after the decimal point. The default value is 12, the maximum is 14.

Returned value: multiplication.

Usage example
$a = math.mul(1.5, 3.5)         // $a is equal to 5.25
$a = 1.5 * 3.5                  // same as previous line
$a = math.mul(1.2345, 1.234, 5) // $a is equal to 1.52337

math.div(num1 number, num2 number, precision int = 12) number

Purpose: quotient of numbers. Equivalent to the binary operation "/".


  1. num1 – dividend.
  2. num2 – divider.
  3. precision – calculation accuracy, the number of digits after the decimal point. The default value is 12, the maximum is 14.

Returned value: quotient of numbers.

Usage example
$a = math.div(1.5, 3.5) // $a is equal to 0.428571428571
$a = 1.5 / 3.5          // same as previous line
$a = math.div(1, 3, 5)  // $a is equal to 0.33333

math.idiv(num1 number, num2 number) int

Purpose: integer division of numbers. This function is equivalent to the binary operation "\".


  1. num1 – dividend.
  2. num2 – divider.

Returned value: integer part of private numbers.

Usage example
$a = math.idiv(2.5, 0.3) // $a is equal to 8
$a = 2.5 \ 0.3           // same as previous line

math.mod(num1 number, num2 number, precision int = 12) number

Purpose: remainder after dividing two numbers. This function is equivalent to the binary operation "%".


  1. num1 – dividend.
  2. num2 – divider.
  3. precision – calculation accuracy, the number of digits after the decimal point. The default value is 12, the maximum is 14.

Returned value: remainder of the division.

Usage example
$a = math.mod(3.5, 1.5)    // $a is equal to 0.5
$a = 3.5 % 1.5             // same as previous line
$a = math.mod(1/3, 2/7, 5) // $a is equal to 0.04762

math.pow(base number, power number, precision int = 12) number

Purpose: raising the number base to the power. This function is equivalent to the binary operation "**".


  1. base – base.
  2. power – degree.
  3. precision – calculation accuracy, the number of digits after the decimal point. The default value is 12, the maximum is 14.

Returned value: result of exponentiation.

Usage example
$a = math.pow(1.5, 3.5)    // $a is equal to 4.133513940947
$a = 1.5 ** 3.5            // same as previous line
$a = math.pow(1.3, 7.1, 5) // $a is equal to 0.44166

math.sqrt(num number, precision int = 12) number

Purpose: extracting the square root.


  1. num – the number from which the root is taken.
  2. precision – calculation accuracy, the number of digits after the decimal point. The default value is 12, the maximum is 14.

Returned value: square root or error if the number is negative.

Usage example
$a = math.sqrt(3.14)   // $a is equal to 1.772004514667
$a = math.sqrt(1.7, 5) // $a is equal to 0.30384

math.round(num number, precision int) number

Purpose: rounding the number to the required decimal place.


  1. num – number to round.
  2. precision – calculation accuracy, the number of digits after the decimal point. The maximum is 14.

Returned value: number rounded with a given precision.

Usage example
$a = math.round(3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716, 17) // $a is equal to 3.1415926535898
$a = math.round(3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716, 2)  // $a is equal to 3.14
$a = math.round(3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716, 0)  // $a is equal to 3

math.rand(min int, max int) int

Purpose: generates integer number in range between min and max (inclusive).


  1. min - the lowest value to be returned.
  2. max - the highest value to be returned.

Returned valuenumber in range between min and max (inclusive).

Usage example
$r = math.rand(-10, 10)

Functions for working with strings

str.len(str string) int

Purpose: determining the length of the string in characters.


  1. str – string whose length is to be determined.

Returned value: integer is equal to the number of characters in the string.

Usage example
$str = "Some string"
$len = str.len($str) // $len will contain 15

str.lower(str string) string

Purpose: conversion of string characters to lower case.


  1. str – string to be converted.

Returned value: a string with all characters in lowercase.

Usage example
$str = "StRiNg"
$lower = str.lower($str) // $lower will contain "string" 

str.upper(str string) string

Purpose: conversion of string characters to uppercase.


  1. str – string to be converted.

Returned value: a string with all characters in uppercase.

Usage example
$str = "StRiNg"
$upper = str.upper($str) // $lower will contain "STRING" 

str.ucfirst(str string) string

Purpose: conversion of the first character of the string to uppercase.


  1. str – string whose first character is to be converted.

Returned value: string with the first character written in upper case.

Usage example
$str = str.ucfirst("строка") // $str будет содержать "Строка" 

str.lcfirst(str string) string

Purpose: conversion of the first character of the string to lowercase.


  1. str – string whose first character is to be converted.

Returned value: string with the first character written in lower case.

Usage example
$str = str.ucfirst("String") // $str will contain "string" 

str.letter(str string, index int) string

Purpose: retrieve the specified character of the string.


  1. str – string whose character is to be retrieved.
  2. index – an integer that defines the character position in the string starting from 0. If this number is negative, then the count starts from the end of the string.

Returned value: the string that corresponds to the specified character or the empty string if there is no character at that position.

Usage example
$str = "Word"
$firstLetter = str.letter($str, 0)  // First character
$lastLetter = str.letter($str, -1)  // Last character

str.first(str string, index int = 0) string

Purpose: retrieve the specified character of a string starting from the beginning of the string.


  1. str – string whose character is to be retrieved.
  2. index – an integer that defines the position of the character from the beginning of the string starting from 0. In this case, the sign of the number is ignored. The default value is 0 (first character).

Returned value: string that corresponds to the specified character or the empty string if there is no character at that position.

Usage example
$str = "Word"
$firstLetter = str.first($str)      // First character
 $secondLetter = str.first($str, 1)  // Last character

str.last(str string, index int = 0) string

Purpose: retrieve the specified character of the string starting from the end of the string.


  1. str – string whose character is to be retrieved.
  2. index – an integer that defines the position of the character from the end of the string starting from 0. In this case, the sign of the number is ignored. The default value is 0 (last character).

Returned value: string that corresponds to the specified character or the empty string if there is no character at that position.

Usage example
$str = "Слово"
$lastLetter = str.last($str)       // Последняя буква
$penultLetter = str.last($str, 1)  // Предпоследняя буква

str.concat(str1 string, str2 string) string

Purpose: concatenates two strings into one.


  1. str1 – string to be concatenated.
  2. str2 – string to be concatenated with.

Returned value: a new line that consists of the first line to the right of which the second line is added.

Usage example
$str1 = "one"
$str2 = "two"
$str = str.concat($str1, $str2) // $str will contain "onetwo" 

str.sub(str string, offset int, length int = nil) string

Purpose: returns a substring of str starting from the offset character by count and length of character length.


  1. str – original string.
  2. offset – if offset is not negative, the returned substring starts at the offset position from the beginning of the string, starting from zero.
    If offset is negative, the returned substring starts at offset characters from the end of str string.
    If str is less than offset characters, an empty string will be returned.
  3. length – if length is positive, the returned string will be no longer than length characters starting at the offset parameter (depending on the length of string).
    If length is negative, then the number of characters specified by this argument will be discarded from the end of string (after the starting position has been calculated, if offset is negative). If the position of the beginning of the substring specified by the offset argument is in or after the discarded part of the string, then the empty string is returned.
    If the length parameter is defined and equals to 0, an empty string will be returned.
    If the length parameter is omitted or nil, then a substring will be returned starting at the position specified by the offset parameter up to the end of the string.

Returned value: part of str or the empty string.

Usage example
$sub = str.sub("abcdef", 1)      // $sub is equal to bcdef
$sub = str.sub("abcdef", 1, 3)   // $sub is equal to bcd
$sub = str.sub("abcdef", 0, 4)   // $sub is equal to abcd
$sub = str.sub("abcdef", 0, 8)   // $sub is equal to abcdef
$sub = str.sub("abcdef", -1, 1)  // $sub is equal to f
$sub = str.sub("abcdef", -1)     // $sub is equal to f
$sub = str.sub("abcdef", -2)     // $sub is equal to ef
$sub = str.sub("abcdef", -3, 1)  // $sub is equal to d
$sub = str.sub("abcdef", 0, -1)  // $sub is equal to abcde
$sub = str.sub("abcdef", 2, -1)  // $sub is equal to cde
$sub = str.sub("abcdef", 4, -4)  // $sub is equal to empty string
$sub = str.sub("abcdef", -3, -1) // $sub is equal to de

str.join(arr Collection, separator string = "") string

Purpose: concatenates the elements of a collection (tuple, list, or associative array) into a string.


  1. arr – collection of items to concatenate.
  2. separator – collection separator. The default is an empty string.

Returned value:  a new string that contains all the elements of the collection separated by a delimiter.

Usage example
$str = str.join([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "-")             // $str will contain "1-2-3-4-5"
$str = str.join(("a", "b", "c"))                  // $str will contain "abc"
$str = str.join({"a": "один", "b": "два"}, " + ") // $str will contain "one + two"
$str = str.join(["одно"], "/")                    // $str will contain "one"
$str = str.join([], "/")                          // $str will contain ""

str.split(str string, separator string = "", limit int = 0) List

Purpose: splits the string into parts using separator as the delimiter.


  1. str – string to split.
  2. separator – separator. If it is equal to an empty string, then splitting is carried out character by character.
  3. limit – an optional parameter equal to the maximum number of parts the string is splitted to. If limit is 0, then there is no limit. If the limit is positive, then the returned list will contain a maximum of limit elements, with the last element containing the remainder of str. If the limit is negative, then all components will be returned except for the last one – limit.

Returned value:  list of substrings into which the string is split.

Usage example
$letters = str.split("abcdef")             // returns a list of letters in a word
$words = str.split("one two three", " ")    // returns a list of words
$words = str.split("one two three", " ", 1) // words contains ["one", "two three"]

str.replace(str string, search string, replace string) string

Purpose: searches for all occurrences of a substring in a string and replaces them with the given value.


  1. str – string to be converted.
  2. search – substring that is searched for in the source string. 
  3. replace – replacement string.

Returned value:  a new line where all occurrences of "search" are replaced with "replace".

Usage example
$str = str.replace("mother washed frame", "frame", "Dasha") // $str contains "mother washed Dasha"

str.match(str string, pattern string) bool

Purpose: performs a regular expression check on the given string.


  1. str – string to match against the regular expression.
  2. pattern – pattern of regular expression.

Returned value: returns true if the string matches the regular expression, otherwise returns false.

Note: Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) are used as regular expressions. Link to documentation and examples of regular expressions. Online regular expression editor.
Usage example
$isIntNumber = str.match("1.234", "/^[0-9]+$/") // $isIntNumber will be equal to false
$isIntNumber = str.match("1234", "/^[0-9]+$/")  // $isIntNumber will be equal to true

str.distance(str1 string, str2 string) number

Purpose: calculates the similarity of two strings.


  1. str1 – first line to compare.
  2. str2 – second line to compare. 

Returned value:  returns a number between 0 and 1 that indicates the similarity of two strings. 1 - strings are equivalent, 0 - strings are completely different.

Note: the function actually calculates Word Error Rate.
Примеры использования
$d = str.distance("", "abc")              // $d equals 0
$d = str.distance("Да", "да")             // $d equals 1
$d = str.distance("корыто", "открыто")    // $d equals 0.571
$d = str.distance("Да, верно", "таверна") // $d equals 0.625
$d = str.distance("жутко косые бананы", "жуй кокосы, ешь бананы") // $d equals 0.714
$d = str.distance("сошел с ума от раны", "Пошел он в пусурманы")  // $d equals 0.45
$d = str.distance("ёж", "дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота")         // $d equals 0

Hash functions

hash.of(text string, algo string = "md5", binary bool = false) string

Purpose: calculates the hash of the string according to the specified algorithm.


  1. text – arbitrary string to hash.
  2. algo – the name of the hash algorithm. The default algorithm is md5.
  3. binary – when it is set to true, then it returns output raw binary data. If it is set to false, it outputs the data in lowercase hexadecimal encoding. By default, it is set to false.

Returned value: returns a string that contains the computed hash code in lowercase hexadecimal encoding. If binary is set to true, then the hash code is returned as binary data. It returns an empty string in case of error (for example, if an invalid hash algorithm is specified).

Possible hash algorithms values:

  • md2
  • md4
  • md5
  • sha1
  • sha224
  • sha256
  • sha384
  • sha512/224
  • sha512/256
  • sha512
  • sha3-224
  • sha3-256
  • sha3-384
  • sha3-512
  • ripemd128
  • ripemd160
  • ripemd256
  • ripemd320
  • whirlpool
  • tiger128,3
  • tiger160,3
  • tiger192,3
  • tiger128,4
  • tiger160,4
  • tiger192,4
  • snefru
  • snefru256
  • gost
  • gost-crypto
  • adler32
  • crc32
  • crc32b
  • crc32c
  • fnv132
  • fnv1a32
  • fnv164
  • fnv1a64
  • joaat
  • murmur3a
  • murmur3c
  • murmur3f
  • xxh32
  • xxh64
  • xxh3
  • xxh128
  • haval128,3
  • haval160,3
  • haval192,3
  • haval224,3
  • haval256,3
  • haval128,4
  • haval160,4
  • haval192,4
  • haval224,4
  • haval256,4
  • haval128,5
  • haval160,5
  • haval192,5
  • haval224,5
  • haval256,5

Note: if the third parameter is true, then you cannot pass the value returned by the function as a bot message or part of it. This will crash the bot.

Usage example
$hash = hash.of("Impudent brown fox cub jumps around a lazy dog.")                 // $hash will contain bff8b4bc8b5c1c1d5b3211dfb21d1e76
$hash = hash.of("Impudent brown fox cub jumps around a lazy dog.", "ripemd160")    // $hash will contain 8817ca339f7f902ad3fb456150a1bb9b4cb5dde9
$hash = hash.of("Impudent brown fox cub jumps around a lazy dog.", "sha256", true) // $hash will contain a binary string (with displayable characters)

Encoding/decoding functions

codec.base64Encode(str string) string

Purpose: encodes the given string into Base64.


  1. str – arbitrary string to encode.

Returned value: returns a string encoded in Base64.

Usage example
$encoded = codec.base64Encode("Hello!") // $encoded will contain string "0J/RgNC40LLQtdGCIQ=="

codec.base64Decode(str string) ?string

Purpose: decodes the provided Base64 string.


  1. str – Base64 encoded string.

Returned value: returns the decoded string or nil if the encoded string contains characters that are not in the base64 character alphabet of the encoding.

Usage example
$decoded = codec.base64Decode("0J/RgNC40LLQtdGCIQ==") // $decoded will contain string "Hello!"
$failed = codec.base64Decode("Hello!")               // $failed will be equal to nil

Date and Time Functions

dt.add(d1 int|string, d2 int|string) string

Purpose: adds two dates, provided as a string or as a number of seconds.

  • If at least one of the function arguments is the number of seconds, then this number will be added to the number of seconds of another date.
  • If both dates are strings, then the result is d1 + abs(secondsOf(d1) - secondsOf(d2)), where abs is the absolute value of the number (a positive value), secondsOf is the date represented as the number of seconds since the beginning of 1970 (dates prior to that time are represented by a negative value).


  1. d1 – a string that represents a date in one of the allowed formats or an integer that corresponds to the number of seconds.
  2. d2 – similar to the first argument.

Returned value: returns the new date and time as a string.

Usage example
$d = dt.add("2022-01-01 12:30:00", 59)                    // $d contains string "2022-01-01 12:30:59" 
$d = dt.add(3600, "2022-01-01 12:30:00")                  // $d contains string "2022-01-01 13:30:00"
$d = dt.add("2022-01-02 02:00:00", "2022-01-01 01:00:00") // $d contains string "2022-01-03 03:00:00"

dt.sub(d1 int|string, d2 int|string) int|string

Purpose: calculates the difference between two dates provided as strings or seconds.

  • If both dates are provided in number of seconds, then the function will return their difference as a number of seconds.
  • If both dates are provided as a string, then an integer equal to the difference between the dates in seconds will be returned.
  • If the first argument is a date string and the second argument is a number of seconds, then the result is a new date equal to the difference between the date and the number of seconds.
  • If the second argument is a date string and the first argument is a number of seconds, then the result is an error.


  1. d1 – a string that represents a date in one of the allowed formats or an integer that corresponds to the number of seconds.
  2. d2 – similar to the first argument.

Returned value: returns a new date and time as a string, or the number of seconds – the difference between the dates.

Usage example
$d = dt.sub(100, 50)                                      // $d contains 50
$d = dt.sub("2022-01-01 12:30:00", 3600)                  // $d  contains string "2022-01-01 11:30:00"
$d = dt.sub(3600, "2022-01-01 12:30:00")                  // This a call is invalid and will cause the program to terminate.
$d = dt.sub("2022-01-01 01:00:00", "2022-01-01 00:00:00") // $d contains 3600

dt.format(dt int|string, format string) string

Purpose: brings the date to the specified format.


  • dt – date provided as a string or number of seconds.
  • format – string that specifies the date and time format.

Returned value: date string in the provided format.

Possible formatting parameters:

Character in the format stringDescriptionExample of returned value
yFull numeric representation of the year (at least 4 digits)1999, 2012, 10208
yyThe last two digits of the year (with zeros if necessary)99, 05

Number of the month without leading zero

from 1 to 12
MMNumber of the month with leading zerofrom 01 to 12
dDay of the month without leading zerofrom 1 to 31
ddDay of the month, 2 digits with a leading zerofrom 01 to 31
hHours in 12-hour format without leading zerofrom 01 to 12
hhHours in 12-hour format with leading zerofrom 01 to 12
HHours in 24-hour format without leading zerofrom 0 to 23
HHHours in 24-hour format with leading zerofrom 0 to 23
mMinutes without leading zerofrom 0 to 59
mmMinutes with leading zerofrom 0 to 59
sSeconds without a leading zerofrom 0 to 59
ssSeconds with a leading zerofrom 0 to 59

Note: if the format string contains characters that match the above, but are not formatting options, then they should be escaped with the backslash character "\".

Usage example
$dt = dt.format('2022-12-20 08:34:05', 'y.MM.dd h-mm-ss')    // $dt will contain string "22.12.20 8-34-05"
$dt = dt.format('16:30:47', '\Hour\s an\d \minute\s: HH/mm') // $dt will contain string "Hours and minutes: 16/30"

date.nearFuture(day int) string

Purpose: returns the nearest future date to the current date for the specified day.


  1. day – number of days to determine the next date in the future.

Returned value: returns the closest date to day.

Usage example
// let's say that today is 2022-12-20
$d = date.nearFuture(25) // $d contains 2022-12-25
$d = date.nearFuture(10) // $d contains 2023-01-10

date.nearPast(day int) string

Purpose: returns the nearest past date to the current date for the given day.


  1. day – number of days to determine the closest date in the past.

Returned value: returns the closest date to day.

Usage example
// let's say that today is 2022-12-20
$d = date.nearPast(25) // $d contains 2022-11-25
$d = date.nearPast(10) // $d contains 2023-12-10

date.future(day int) string

Purpose: returns the date that corresponds to the specified day in the next month.


  1. day – number of days to determine a date in the future.

Returned value: date in the future.

Ошибка визуализации кода макроса: задано недействительное значение для параметра «[Ljava.lang.Object;@542830a7»
// let's say that today is 2022-12-20
$d = date.future(25) // $d contains 2023-01-25
$d = date.future(10) // $d contains 2023-01-10

date.past(day int) string

Purpose: returns the date that corresponds to the specified day in the previous month.


  1. day – number of days to determine a date in the past.

Returned value: date in the past.

Usage example
// let's say that today is 2022-12-20
$d = date.past(25) // $d contains 2022-11-25
$d = date.past(10) // $d contains 2022-11-10

time.nearFuture(minute int) string

Purpose: returns the nearest future to the current time by the provided number of minutes.


  1. minute – number of minutes to determine the nearest future time.

Returned value: returns the time closest to minute.

Usage example
// let's say that now is 23:30:00
$t = time.nearFuture(45) // $t contains 23:45:00
$t = time.nearFuture(15) // $t contains 00:15:00

time.nearPast(minute int) string

Purpose: returns the nearest past to the current time for the specified number of minutes.


  1. minute – number of minutes to determine the nearest past time.

Returned value: returns the time closest to minute.

Usage example
// Let's say now it is 23:30:00
$t = time.nearPast(45) // $t contains 22:45:00
$t = time.nearPast(15) // $t contains 23:15:00

time.future(minute int) string

Purpose: returns time that corresponds to the specified number of minutes in the next hour.


  1. minute – number of minutes to determine the time in the future.

Returned value: time in the future.

Usage example
// Let's say now it is 23:30:00
$t = time.future(45) // $t contains 00:45:00
$t = time.future(15) // $t contains 00:15:00

time.past(minute int) string

Purpose: returns the time that corresponds to the specified number of minutes in the past hour.


  1. minute – number of minutes to determine the time in the past.

Returned value: time in the past.

Usage example
// Let's say now it is 23:30:00
$t = time.past(45) // $t contains 22:45:00
$t = time.past(15) // $t contains 22:15:00

Functions for user message queue

queue.size() int

Purpose: determines the size of the user message queue.

Arguments: not present.

Returned value: number of user messages.

Usage example
$messageCount = queue.size() // $messageCount contains the number of user messages for the entire dialog

queue.last() ?UserMessage

Purpose: returns the last user message or nil if the message queue is empty.

Arguments: not present.

Returned value: UserMessage object or nil.

Usage example
$lastMessage = queue.last() // $lastMessage contains the last user message in a dialog

queue.first() ?UserMessage

Purpose: returns the first user message or nil if the message queue is empty.

Arguments: not present.

Returned value: UserMessage object or nil.

Usage example
$firstMessage = queue.first() // $firstMessage contains the first user message in a dialog

queue.nth(index int) ?UserMessage

Purpose: returns the user message by its sequence number starting from 1.


  1. index – sequence number of the user message.

Returned value: UserMessage object or nil.

Usage example
$message = queue.nth(1) // $message contains the first user message 
$message = queue.nth(5) // $message  contains the fifth user message  

queue.lastNth(index int) ?UserMessage

Purpose: returns the user message by its sequence number starting from the end of the queue. The last message corresponds to sequence number 1.


  1. index – sequence number of the user message starting from the end of the queue.

Returned value: UserMessage object or nil.

Usage example
$message = queue.lastNth(1) // $message contains the last user message
$message = queue.lastNth(5) // $message contains the fifth user message

Functions for working with facts

fact.save(context string, factName string, factValue mixed, botId string = nil, clientId string = nil)

Purpose: saves the fact to the fact base.


  1. context – string that specifies the context where the fact exists.
  2. factName – string that specifies the name of the fact.
  3. factValue – any value that defines the contents of a fact.
  4. botId – bot ID. Not specified by default.
  5. clientId – Client ID. Not specified by default.

Returned value: not present.

Usage example
fact.save("place", "city", "Moscow")                    // Fact that is available to all company bots
fact.save("place", "city", "Moscow", nil, @clientId)    // Fact with reference to the client
fact.save("place", "city", "Moscow", @botId)            // Fact with reference to the bot
fact.save("place", "city", "Moscow", @botId, @clientId) // Fact with reference to the bot and client

fact.load(context string, factName string, botId string = nil, clientId string = nil) mixed

Purpose:  retrieves a fact from the fact base.


  1. context – a string that specifies the context where the fact exists.
  2. factName – a string that specifies the name of the fact.
  3. botId – bot ID. Not specified by default.
  4. clientId – client ID. Not specified by default.

Returned value: contents of the fact.

Usage example
fact.save("place", "city", "Moscow", @botId, @clientId) // Saves the fact with reference to the bot and the client
 $city = fact.load("place", "city", @botId, @clientId) // We load the fact into a variable. $city contains "Moscow"

fact.delete(context string, factName string, botId string = nil, clientId string = nil)

Purpose:  deletes a fact from the fact base.


  1. context – a string that specifies the context where the fact exists.
  2. factName – a string that specifies the name of the fact.
  3. botId – bot ID. Not specified by default.
  4. clientId – client ID. Not specified by default.

Returned value: not present.

Usage example
fact.save("place", "city", "Moscow", @botId, @clientId) // Saves the fact with reference to the bot and the client
$city = fact.load("place", "city", @botId, @clientId)         // We load the fact into a variable. $city contains "Moscow"
fact.delete("place", "city", @botId, @clientId)               // Deletes fact.
$city = fact.load("place", "city", @botId, @clientId)         // Trying to load a remote fact. Now $city contains nil.

fact.query() FactQuery

Purpose: returns a FactQuery instance for working with the fact database.

Arguments: not present.

Returned value: FactQuery object.

Usage example
// Added a couple of facts to the database
fact.save("place", "country", "Russia")
fact.save("place", "city", "Moscow")

// We loaded into $places a list of places sorted by fact name in descending order:
// [{"name": "city", "value": "Russia"}, {"name": "country", "value": "Moscow"}]
$places = fact.query().
    where("context", "=", "place").

fact.cond() FactQueryCondition

Purpose: returns an instance of FactQueryCondition for creating complex conditions when working with the fact database.

Arguments: not present.

Returned value: FactQueryCondition object.

Usage example
// Added facts to the database
fact.save("cities", "ekaterinburg", "Ekaterinburg")
fact.save("cities", "moscow", "Moscow")
fact.save("cities", "saint-petersburg", "Saint-Petersburg")
fact.save("cities", "novosibirsk", "Novosibirsk")

// Let's find one city whose name starts with letter "m" or with letter "t" and is not equal to the cities "Ekaterinburg" and "Novosibirsk"
$city = fact.query().
    where("context", "=", "cities").
        where("name", "^@", "м").
        orWhere("name", "^@", "т")).
    where("name", "not in", ("ekaterinburg", "novosibirsk")).

Timer Functions

timer.start(time int, nodeId string) string

Purpose: starts the timer. After the specified time is over, the bot will go to the specified block.


  1. time – time in seconds.
  2. nodeId – block ID.

Returned value: timer ID.

Usage example
$timerId = timer.start(60, "760b9732-4bfb-4846-a348-faae5138fcb2") // $timerId contains a unique timer ID for 60 seconds

timer.stop(timerId string)

Purpose: stops (deletes) the timer.


  1. timerId – timer ID

Returned value: not present.

Usage example
$timerId = timer.start(60, "760b9732-4bfb-4846-a348-faae5138fcb2")
timer.stop($timerId) // stops (deletes) the timer.


Назначение: stops all timers.

Аргументы: not present.

Возвращаемое значение: not present.

Примеры использования
// starts two timers
timer.start(60, "760b9732-4bfb-4846-a348-faae5138fcb2")
timer.start(120, "760b9732-4bfb-4846-a348-faae5138fcb2")
// stop all timers

Functions for working with text in natural language (NLP)

nlp.parse(message string|UserMessage) Sentence

Purpose: parses natural language text. 


  1. message – natural language text or a UserMessage object.

Returned value: a Sentence object containing information about all the intents and entities of the original message.

Note: this function extracts only entities from the text. To work with intents, use the nlu.parse function

Usage example
$sentence = nlp.parse(queue.first()) // parses the first user message

nlp.join(message1 string|UserMessage, message2 string|UserMessage) Sentence

Purpose: merges two natural language texts into one and then parses it.


  1. message1 – text in natural language or a UserMessage object.
  2. message2 – text in natural language or a UserMessage object.

Returned value: a Sentence object that contains information about all the intents and entities of the combined message.

Usage example
$sentence = nlp.join(queue.lastNth(2), queue.lastNth(1)) //  combine the last but one and the last user messages and then parse them

nlp.setPerception($sentence Sentence)

Purpose: allows you to set a user message for processing in other blocks of the script.


  1. sentence – a Sentence object that contains information about the intents and entities of some message.

Returned value: not present.

Usage example
$sentence = nlp.join(queue.lastNth(2), queue.lastNth(1)) // combines the last but one and last messages of the user and then parse them nlp.setPerception($sentence)                             
// Now the rest of the schema nodes will work with the message $sentence

Functions for "understanding" natural language

nlu.parse(text string, agentId string, timezoneOffset int = 0, version int = 1) Sentence

Purpose: parses text in natural language. Reveals intentions and entities.


  1. text text for parsing.
  2. agentId – ID (uuid) of the agent (neural network) that parses the text.
  3. timezoneOffset – the time zone offset that is necessary to correctly detect temporary entities. The default offset is UTC.
  4. version – NLU version. Can be number 1 (for bots from old version of the website) or 11 (for bots created on the new website).

Returned value: Sentence object.

Usage example
$sentence = nlu.parse("Good morning John!", "d926726a-5acb-4233-8c1e-ce4300921de0")

Functions for working with HTTP

http.sendRequest(url string, method string, body any = nil, headers Map = nil) Response

Purpose: sends an HTTP request to the specified URL.


  1. url – the URL that the request will be sent to.
  2. method – HTTP method. Possible variants: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, and OPTIONS.
  3. body – request body. Can be represented as a scalar value, a list, or an associative array.
  4. headers – HTTP request headers. The default header is Content-Type: application/json.

Returned value: HTTP response object.

Usage example
// Executing a request to get a list of users 
$response = http.sendRequest("https://iam.twin24.ai/api/v1/users", "GET", {"limit": 15, "offset": 5}, {"Authorization": "Bearer authToken"})

// Retrieving information about the request
 $statusCode = $response.statusCode
$body = $response.body
$headers = $response.headers
$error = $response.error

http.request(url string = "", method string = "POST", body any = nil) Request

Purpose: generates a new HTTP request object.


  1. url – URL string.
  2. method – name of HTTP method.
  3. body – contents of the request body.

Returned value: an object that contains information about the HTTP request.

Usage example
$response = http.request("https://some.url", "POST", {"param1": 123, "param2": true}).
                 headers({"Content-Type": "application/json"}).

Объект Request

timeout(timeout int) Request

Purpose: specifies the maximum request time in seconds. If the request is executed longer than the specified time, then its execution is interrupted.


  1. timeout – possible request time in seconds.

Returned value: an object that contains information about the HTTP request.

Usage example
$response = http.request("https://some.url", "GET").

url(url string) Request

Purpose: sets the URL of the request.


  1. url – URL string.

Returned value: object that contains information about the HTTP request.

Usage example
$response = http.request().

method(method string) Request

Purpose: specifies the HTTP request method.


  1. method – name of HTTP method.

Returned value: object that contains information about the HTTP request.

Usage example
$response = http.request().

body(body any) Request

Purpose: sets the body of the request.


  1. body – request body.

Returned value: object that contains information about the HTTP request.

Usage example
$response = http.request().
                 body("some body").

header(header string, value string) Request

Purpose: adds an HTTP header.


  1. header – name of HTTP header.
  2. value – value of HTTP header

Returned value: object that contains information about the HTTP request.

Usage example
$response = http.request().
                 header("Content-Type", "application/json").
                 header("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5").

headers(headers Map) Request

Purpose: sets HTTP headers.


  1. headers – HTTP headers.

Returned value: object that contains information about the HTTP request.

Usage example
$response = http.request().
                 body("some body").
                 headers({"Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.5"}).

file(fileId string, name string = "") Request

Purpose: adds a file to send over HTTP.


  1. fileId – ID of the previously uploaded file.
  2. name – name of the request parameter. If the parameter is not set, then its name will match the file identifier.

Returned value: object that contains information about the HTTP request.

Usage example
$response = http.request().
                 header("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data").
                 file($fileId, "file").

send() Response

Purpose: sends the generated request.

Returned value: server response object.

Usage example
$response = http.request("http://some.url?p1=v1&p2=v2", "PUT", "some body").
                 headers({"header1": "...", "header2": "...").

Объект Response

statusCode int

Purpose: response status code.

Usage example
$response = http.sendRequest("http://some.url?p1=v1&p2=v2", "PUT", "some body")
$code = $response.statusCode

body any

Purpose: response body.

Usage example
$response = http.sendRequest("http://some.url?p1=v1&p2=v2", "PUT", "some body")
$body = $response.body

headers Map

Purpose: response headers

Usage example
$response = http.sendRequest("http://some.url?p1=v1&p2=v2", "PUT", "some body")
$headers = $response.headers

error string

Purpose: value of the error element of the response body or the empty string if there is no such element.

Usage example
$response = http.sendRequest("http://some.url?p1=v1&p2=v2", "PUT", "some body")
$error = $response.error

isError() bool

Purpose: determines the success of the response.

Returned value: returns true if the error property is specified or the status code is greater than or equal to 400, otherwise returns false.

Usage example
$response = http.sendRequest("http://some.url?p1=v1&p2=v2", "PUT", "some body")
$isError = $response.isError()

isSuccessful() bool

Purpose: determines the success of the response.

Returned value: returns true if the error property is empty and the status code is less than 400, otherwise returns false.

Usage example
$response = http.sendRequest("http://some.url?p1=v1&p2=v2", "PUT", "some body")
$isSuccessful = $response.isSuccessful()

hasHeader(header string) bool

Purpose: detects the presence of a header.


  1. header – header name

Returned value: true, if a header with the specified name exists and false otherwise.

Usage example
$response = http.sendRequest("http://some.url?p1=v1&p2=v2", "PUT", "some body")
$hasContentType = $response.hasHeader("Content-Type")

header(header string) string

Purpose: retrieves the header value


  1. header – header name.

Returned value: the value of the header with the specified name or an empty string if there is no such header.

Usage example
$response = http.sendRequest("http://some.url?p1=v1&p2=v2", "PUT", "some body")
$contentType = $response.header("Content-Type")

toFile() string

Purpose: retrieves a file from HTTP response.

Returned value: uploaded file ID.

Usage example
$response = http.sendRequest("http://some.url", "GET")
$fileId = $response.toFile()

System functions

sys.sleep(microseconds int)

Purpose: stops the bot for the specified number of microseconds. If the number of microseconds exceeds 1 minute, then the pause is set to 1 minute.


  1. microseconds – number of microseconds.

Returned value: not present.

Usage example
sys.sleep(3_000_000) // Pause that lasts 3 seconds

Functions for working with GPT-3

gpt3.ask(text string) string

Purpose: sends a message to the ChatGPT3 neural network and returns the response.


  1. text – request to the neural network in Russian.

Returned value: the response of the neural network as a string.

Usage example
$answer = gpt3.ask("Is there life on Mars?") // $answer will contain the answer of the neural network to the question

Client attributes functions

clients.setAttributes (clientId string, attributes array)

Purpose: to set value(s) of client attributes


  1. clientId – Client ID (uuid)
  2. attributes  – object with attributes in format {"attribute_uuid": "attribute_value", ...}
    IDs of available attributes can be found by using  GET /clients/attributes in the chat service API

Returned value: void

Пример использования
clients.setAttributes(@clientId, {"74eb7a40-36d5-4db9-b4a1-abe435fd5f0d": "Firstame", "b87e9a3e-21ad-4b42-aab1-fdc52a13c769": "Lastname", "d5443075-e79d-4d1c-bdca-1c0a1965a078": "example@email.com"});

FactQuery object

Using the methods of this object, you can work with the fact base. The fact base is a list of records. Each record is a single fact that consists of the following parts (fields):

  • Context (context). An arbitrary string whose length does not exceed 255 characters. Denotes some subject area where a fact relates to. Can be used in the search.
  • Fact name (name). An arbitrary string whose length does not exceed 255 characters. Identifies a fact in a provided context. Can be used in the search.
  • Fact value (value). Any value. This is the actual information that we interpret as a fact. Cannot be used in the search (technically it can, but the result is not defined).
  • Bot ID (botId). Can be specified when you save a fact in order to link the fact to the bot. Can be used in the search.
  • Client ID (clientId). Can be specified when you save a fact in order to link the fact to the client. Can be used in the search.

select(fields string|Collection) FactQuery

Purpose: specifies a list of fields from the fact base whose values ​​should be returned as a result of the query. If the select method is not called, then the context, name and value fields are returned.


  1. fields – a string that contains a comma-separated list of required fields or a collection of these fields.

Returned value: the same FactQuery object.

Usage example
$facts = fact.query().rows()                               // select is not called, return all fields 
$facts = fact.query().select(["value", "context"]).rows()  // Returns a list of facts that require value and context. 
$facts = fact.query().select("botId").rows()               // Returns only the botId field where the facts are attached.

where(field string, operator string, value mixed) FactQuery

Purpose: sets the condition for finding facts. Several where methods are combined on a logical "AND" basis, i.e. all conditions must be met. The where method is equivalent to the andWhere(field, operator, value) method.


  1. field – the name of the field where the condition is specified, i.e. the first argument of the operator.
  2. operator – operator that denotes the operation to be performed on the field. See the list of available operations below.
  3. value – second argument of the operation.

Returned value: the same FactQuery object.

List of possible operations:

  1. "=" checks that field is equal to value.
  2. "!=" or "<>" checks for inequality that field is not equal to value.
  3. ">" checks if field is greater than value.
  4. "<" checks if field is less than value.
  5. ">=" checks if field is greater than or equal to value.
  6. "<=" checks if field is less than or equal to value.
  7. "^@" or "startsWith" matches the string value with the beginning of field. The search is case sensitive..
  8. "~" checks if field matches the regular expression value. The search is case sensitive.
  9. "!~" checks if field does not match the regular expression value. The search is case sensitive.
  10. "~*" checks if field matches the regular expression value. The search is case insensitive.
  11. "!~*" checks if field does not match the regular expression value. The search is case insensitive.
  12. "in" checks if field matches at least one value in the value collection.
  13. "not in" checks if field does not match all values ​​in the value collection.
Usage example
// looking for facts whose context contains the substring test
 $facts = fact.query().
    where("context", "~", "^.*test.*$").

andWhere(field string, operator string, value mixed) FactQuery

This function is equivalent to where(field, operator, value).

orWhere(field string, operator string, value mixed) FactQuery

This function is equivalent to where with the only difference that several calls to this method are combined according to the logical "OR" principle, i.e. at least one condition must be met.

where(cond FactQueryCondition) FactQuery

Purpose: specifies a complex (nested) condition. Multiple method calls are combined in a logical AND fashion. Equivalent to the andWhere(cond) method.


  1. cond – a FactQueryCondition object that defines a complex condition.

Returned value: the same FactQuery object.

Usage example
// Searching for facts where context contains the substring test and at the same time name is equal to "word" or name begins with "on".
$facts = fact.query().
    where("context", "~", "^.*test.*$").
        where("name", "=", "word").
        orWhere("name", "^@", "оn")).

andWhere(cond FactQueryCondition) FactQuery

This function is equivalent to where(cond).

orWhere(cond FactQueryCondition) FactQuery

This function is equivalent to where(cond) with the only difference that several calls to this method are combined according to the logical "OR" principle, i.e. at least one condition must be met.

sortBy(fields string|Collection) FactQuery

Purpose: sets the sorting of facts by the specified fields.


  1. fields – a string containing a list of fields (separated by commas) that are used to sort facts or a collection that contains field names. Each field can be prefixed with "+" for ascending sorting or "-" for descending sorting. If no prefix is ​​specified, ascending sorting is used.

Returned value: the same FactQuery object. 

Usage example
// Receves all the facts for the bot with double sorting:
// first in ascending order (i.e. alphabetically)
// and then by the name of the fact in descending order.
$facts = fact.query().
    where("botId", "=", @botId)
    sortBy("+context,-name"). // you can also use collections. For example, sortBy(["+context", "-name"])

limit(limit int) FactQuery

Purpose: sets a limit on the maximum number of extracted facts.


  1. limit – an integer that defines the limit on the number of extracted facts.

Returned value: the same FactQuery object. 

Usage example
// Retrieves first 10 facts
$facts = fact.query().

skip(count int) FactQuery

Purpose: sets the number of facts to skip when searching.


  1. count – an integer that specifies the number of facts to skip.

Returned value: the same FactQuery object. 

Usage example
// Skips the first 5 facts and extracts the next 10
$facts = fact.query().

one() mixed

Purpose: returns the first field of the first found fact specified by select.

Arguments: not present.

Returned value: field value.

Usage example
// Retrieves the name of the first found fact
$firstFactName = fact.query().
    select("name,value").        // value is specified, but will be ignored 

column() List

Purpose: returns a list that consists of all values ​​of the first selected field of found facts.

Arguments: not present.

Returned value: list of field values.

Usage example
// Retrieves a list of names of all found facts
$names = fact.query().
    select("name,value").        // value is specified, but will be ignored  

row() Map

Purpose: returns all selected fields as an associative array for the first found fact.

Arguments: not present.

Returned value: values ​​of all fields of the first fact.

Usage example
// Retrieves the name and value of the first found fact
$names = fact.query().

rows() List<Map>

Purpose: returns a list of all found facts. Each fact is returned as an associative array whose keys are the fact fields and whose values ​​are the field values.

Arguments: not present.

Returned value: field values of all facts.

Usage example
// Retrieves the name and value of all facts
$names = fact.query().

Объект FactQueryCondition

Methods of this object are used to create complex nested conditions for the base facts.

where(field string, operator string, value mixed) FactQueryCondition

Similar to the where(field string, operator string, value mixed) method of the FactQuery object.

andWhere(field string, operator string, value mixed) FactQueryCondition

Similar to the andWhere(field string, operator string, value mixed) method of the FactQuery object.

orWhere(field string, operator string, value mixed) FactQueryCondition

Similar to the orWhere(field string, operator string, value mixed) method of the FactQuery object.

and(field string, operator string, value mixed) FactQueryCondition

Similar to the andWhere(field string, operator string, value mixed) method of the FactQuery object.

or(field string, operator string, value mixed) FactQueryCondition

Similar to the orWhere(field string, operator string, value mixed) method of the FactQuery object.

where(cond FactQueryCondition) FactQueryCondition

Similar to the where(cond FactQueryCondition) method of the FactQuery object.

andWhere(cond FactQueryCondition) FactQueryCondition

Similar to the andWhere(cond FactQueryCondition) method of the FactQuery object.

orWhere(cond FactQueryCondition) FactQueryCondition

Similar to the orWhere(cond FactQueryCondition) method of the FactQuery object.

and(cond FactQueryCondition) FactQueryCondition

Similar to the andWhere(cond FactQueryCondition) method of the FactQuery object.

or(cond FactQueryCondition) FactQueryCondition

Similar to the orWhere(cond FactQueryCondition) method of the FactQuery object.

Объект UserMessage

message string

Purpose: the original text of the message.

Usage example
$msg = queue.last().message // $msg contains the text of the last user message

attachments List<string>

Purpose: a list of file IDs attached to the message.

Usage example
$attachments = queue.first().attachments // $attachments contains a list of attachments of the first user message.

isEmpty() bool

Purpose: defines whether the message is empty.

Arguments: not present.

Returned value: true if the message is empty and false otherwise.

Usage example
$isEmpty = queue.last().isEmpty() // $isEmpty contains true if the last user message is empty and false otherwise

hasAttachments() bool

Purpose: determines whether there are attachments in the message.

Arguments: not present.

Returned value: true, if the message has attachments and false otherwise.

Usage example
$hasAttachments = queue.first().hasAttachments() // $hasAttachments contains true if the first user message has attachments and false otherwise

Объект Sentence

intent string

Purpose: recognized intent.

Usage example
$sentence = nlu.parse("Hello John", "d926726a-5acb-4233-8c1e-ce4300921de0")
$intent = $sentence.intent   // $intent contains "greeting"

intentConfidence number

Purpose: the degree of reliability of the recognized intention (1 - unambiguous recognition, 0 - the intention is actually unrecognized).

Usage example
$sentence = nlu.parse("Hello John", "d926726a-5acb-4233-8c1e-ce4300921de0")
$confidence = $sentence.intentConfidence   // $confidence contains 0.98

entities List<Tuple>

Purpose: list of recognized entities. Each element of the list contains a tuple of three elements: entity type (string), entity value (string), entity recognition confidence (number).

Usage example
$sentence = nlu.parse("Hello John", "d926726a-5acb-4233-8c1e-ce4300921de0")
$entities = $sentence.entities // $entities contains [("human-name", "John", 0.96), ("time", "2023-01-09 23:30:00", 0.87)]
$first = $entities.get(0)      // $first contains ("human-name", "John", 0.96)
$type = $first.get(0)          // $type contains "human-name"


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2 Комментариев

  1. Никита Бутузов

    добавил функции для строк:






    для работы с датами и временем







    добавил алиас startsWith для операции ^@ в fact query builder, пофиксил возврат значения факта (теперь там не должно быть кавычек).

    преобразование структур данных в строк тоже переделал, теперь будут более понятно отображаться

  2. Условие where в fact.cond() FactQueryCondition принимает только: кортежи, списки, ассоциативные массивы (словари)