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With call task templates, you can make calls to your clients using voice bots in external CRM systems (for example, BITRIX24, amoCRM).

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Creating Call Task Templates

To create a new call task template, do the following:

1)  On the side menu, click Calls → Call task templates. As a result, a page with a list of call task templates will open.

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2) Click the Add new call task template button at the top of the page.

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A new window will open as shown below.

3)  In 2.  In the Template name field, enter the name for the template.


It is recommended to use brief and concise names. Later this will help you to quickly find a call task template on the list.

4)3.  In the Please select script field, select a necessary script from the list. This script will define the behavior of the voice bot during the call.


Using the "Download template" link, you can download a template to create a file with a list of clients for the call task template (for more details, see Format of clients file).

5)4.  In the Dial plan field, select the desired dial plan. The dial plan determines whether the call will use the default mobile carrier provided by Twin or a mobile career that you want to use (for details, see Creating a New Dial plan).

6)5.  In the Human/Robot identification system field, select Enabled to enable the system that detects the type of call participant (human or answering machine). After this, you must define its operation mode.



You can upload custom greeting files in a ".wav" format. For this, select Without a greeting in the drop-down list and click the button.

 7)  In  6.  In the Definable phone number field, select the phone number that the system will use for outgoing calls. This number will be displayed on the client's mobile phone screen during the call.


  • CallerID — a specific phone number registered by the user with the mobile network carrier is used. If you select this value, you must enter the corresponding phone number in the additional field. This option is recommended if you make calls using your own dial plan;

8) 7. In the Redirect by default field, select the necessary type of call forwarding, which will be used if in the selected script in the Result block in the Forwarding action field is set to Use task settings, and in case when the voice robot requests help.


  • Hangup — all calls will be automatically ended;
    Dialing plan - forwards calls to the specified phone number. When this value is selected, you need to specify the dial plan that the system will use to make calls and the target phone number to which calls will be forwarded;
  • Call transfer — forwards calls to the specified direction (for more details, see Creating a New Call Forwarding Direction). When you select this value, you need to specify the desired direction in the additional field;
  • Customer transfer - forwards calls to third-party phone numbers. This should be used if your account is integrated with external systems.
  • Another bot - the voice bot starts using another script in a call. When you select this value, you need to specify the necessary script in the additional field.

9) In 8. In the Number of simultaneous calls field, use the slider to select the call intensity. This parameter determines the number of calls that the system will make per second.


  • 1 - 1 calls per second (1000 clients per 1000 seconds);
  • 2 - 2 calls per second (2000 clients per 1000 seconds);
  • 3 - 3 calls per second (3000 clients per 1000 seconds);
  • 4 - 4 calls per second (4000 clients per 1000 seconds);
  • 5 - 5 calls per second (5000 clients per 1000 seconds).

10) 9. In the Call time limiter field, select the desired time period during which you want the system to make a call.

11) 10. If necessary, specify the duration for calls that you want to be considered ineffective. The system will use the specified value to mark calls as ineffective in generated reports.

12) 11. If you need to convert phone numbers in the call task to the international format in accordance with the E.164 standard, select the necessary country in the field.


Currently this feature is only available for Russian numbers.

13) 12. If you want to determine the gender of the participant in the call, select the checkbox next to the Detection of gender parameter. This information will be used in the generated reports.

14) 13. In the Redial rules field, select events and the start mode for returned calls.


  • Manually — create a set of rules for returned calls that will be used only for the selected call task
  • Use template — select any of the previously created templates a set of rules for returned calls (for details, see Creating Rules For Returned Calls). If you select this value, you need to specify the name of the required template in the additional field.

15) 14. When you are done, click Save.


To edit a call task template, click the button for the necessary item on the list.

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As a result, a dialog box for editing the selected call task template will open.


To delete a call task template, click the button in the necessary line.

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The selected call task template will be deleted.Image Removed - edit the call script (for more details, see Scenario editor)


You can click Image Added to create a new call task.


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