Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Below the search field a list of all online chats is displayed. On the right side of the list there are buttons that you can use to perform the following actions:

Action nameDescription
Frame code


get the frame code of the chat
Connect Facebook


connect the chat to the Facebook social network
View dialogs


view dialogs with the user



edit chat properties



delete the chat

Creating new chats

To create a new chat, select Chats Settings from the side menu and then click the New chat button.


As a result a dialog window will open as shown in the image below.

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In the Name field enter a name for the chat. By name you can quickly find the necessary chat on the list.


If you want the bot to ask the client for feedback at the end of the dialog, select the corresponding checkbox. In the field below, specify a period of time from the beginning of the dialogue after which the bot will ask the client for feedback.

In the Operator idle time before transfer (seconds) – specify a time period of operator inactivity after which the system transfers the dialogue to the robot.

In the Request feedback on the conversation at the end of the session – select the Yes checkbox so that the system asks the client to provide feedback after the dialogue is complete

In the After how many seconds to request feedback on the dialogue (seconds) – enter the period of time in seconds since the start of the dialogue, after which the user will be prompted to provide feedback

In the Transfer according to the script after the end of the dialogue – select the script that the system will use after the bot ends the dialogue.

In the The time spent by the client in the queue to connect to the operator (seconds) –  select the script that the system will use in the chat after the operator ends the dialogue.

In the How often to notify the client that he is in the queue (minutes) – select the script that the system will use after the dialogue is closed by a client response timeout.

In the Message text to notify the client that he is in the queue – enter the text of the message that the system will send to the client if the check box for the Request feedback on the conversation at the end of the session option is selected.

In the Feedback type field select the scale that the client will use to rate the quality of the dialog. The following options are available:

  • 2-point scoring
  • 5-point scoring
  • 10-point scoring

In the Text rating of dialogue – enter the text of the message that the system will display to the client when it sends a request for feedback.

In the Bot color, Operator color, User color, Buttons color and Buttons text color fields use the color palette to select the necessary color. To select a color on the palette use two horizontal sliders. You can also enter RGBA, HSLA or HEX color codes. Arrow buttons allow you to switch between the color models and display a field for entering color HEX codes.

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In the Bot image, Operator image and User image fields you can upload images that the system will use as avatars. You can upload .jpeg and .png images up to 5 MB in size. These fields are optional. If you don't upload images, the system will use the default ones.

Select the check box next to Request result for of dialog so that the system asks the client for feedback when the dialog ends.

ЯкорьraterateIf you want the bot to respond to the client's first message, select the Reply to the user's first message checkbox.

In the Link to knowledge base – you can add a link to an information resource that your clients can visit.

In the SL of the first response (sec) – specify the time period for the operator to respond to the first message from the client. The response time is used in the reports.

In the SL of subsequent responses (sec) – specify the time period for the operator to respond to the next message from the client. The response time is used in the reports.

In the Links to messengers section you can specify links to instant messengers and social networks where you want to use the chat. Buttons with messengers and social networks logos will be displayed next to the widget button. By clicking on any of these buttons the client will be able to start chatting in the widget or any messenger or start chatting in the widget, and then proceed to the messenger to continue their dialogue.


In this section you only provide links to instant messengers and social networks. If you want clients to communicate with the bot in messengers and social networks, it is necessary to integrate the bot with the specified messengers and social networks.


As a result, a window with chat settings will open, as shown in the image below.

Image RemovedImage Added

The steps for editing chat settings are similar those described in the Creating new chats section.

Deleting chats

To delete a chat, click Delete in the line of the necessary chat.


In the dialog window, confirm this action.

Viewing chat dialogues

Message Box
titleНа этой странице:

To view chat dialogues for all clients, click View dialogs in the line of the necessary chat.


In the All messengers field, you can select the necessary instant messenger or social network that your chat is connected to. You can select the necessary value using the drop-down list.

titleAvailable messengers and social networks
  • Web
  • Telegram
  • WhatsApp
  • Viber
  • Facebook
  • Alice
  • Yandex
  • Vkontakte
  • Skype
  • Slack
  • Wechat
  • Snapchat
  • Line


titlePossible statuses
Status nameDescription
Active and closed dialogs
all dialogues
active dialogues where the bot still communicates with clients
dialogues where communication with clients is finished
No operator response
dialogues that were transferred to operators but operators did not communicate with clients

If you select the All option, the system will display all dialogues that start with the bot's message.


2. In the All chat sessions field, select the necessary report type.

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Report type




All chat sessions


report with detailed information about all chat sessions
All chat sessions with markers


report with information about chat sessions where markers are used in scripts


Chat sessions billing format
report with detailed billing information for all connected channels (for example, chat name, number of paid messages, cost, and etc.)
Chat sessions with operator metrics

report with information about the efficiency of the operator indicating the time of their responses to client questions

report with information about the productivity of chat sessions, that includes the number of messages sent by the operator and the client, the maximum and average response time, etc.

report with information about the number of messages sent by the bot and operator as well as the number of dialogues tranferred to the operator for all connected channels

Web pages


a report with information about website pages visited by the client during the chat session
Popular phrases


a report that contains a list of the most popular phrases used in chat sessions
Client phrases


a report that contains a list of all client phrases


If you want the report to contain information about the time when messages were sent, select the With time in dialogs option.

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3. Click Export.

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As a result, all records displayed on the list will be downloaded as a file in XLS format.

Viewing dialogues

To view a dialogue, click Show dialog in the necessary line.

As a result, a dialog box will open with detailed information about the selected dialogue:.

titleAvailable parameters
Parameter name

Session id


unique identifier that is assigned to the dialogue by the system. This identifier is used for system purposes.
Chat date


date when the dialogue was created.
Dialog cost


cost of the chat service.
Client id


unique client identifier.


Other parameters

list of messages that


contains the author name, date and message text.


In the dialog box with detailed information about the selected dialogue you can also copy the link to the dialogue. This is especially useful, for example, when you plan to contact the technical support.
