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On the side menu, click Telephony Recall rules. This page contains preset rules for returned calls.

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new recall rules


Recall rules are a set of rules that define the conditions for a returned call in a situation when a client does not answer the call (for example, the line is busy or the client is not available).

You can create different sets of recall rules (for example, you can create multiple sets of recall rules for each mobile network carrier you use to make outgoing calls).

In a call task, you can select any set of recall rules you have created, or create a separate set of recall rules that will be valid only for this call task.


 1.  On the Recall rules page, click New recall rule.

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 2. In the New recall rule dialog window, do the following:

  • In the Recall rule name field, enter a desired necessary name for a rule (for example, "Recall rules for Megafon" or "Recall rules for possible clients").
  • At the bottom of the window, select desired necessary parameters and specify their values.


The following parameters are available:

  • If busy line is busy.
  • If there is no answer - client does not answer the call (does not pick up the phone).
  • If the answering machine call is answered by an auto answer (to use this parameter, select the "Human/Robot" identification system option in the call task settings).
  • If the call is short client answers but quickly finishes the call.
  • If operator failure a technical failure occurs during the call.

To define recall parameters, specify a period of time after which the system will make a returned call and the maximum number of attempts to call the client.


A new set of recall rules will be created.

Examples of callback rules:


For example, you select the If Busy rule with an interval of 5 seconds and 3 attempts. This means that if the client's number is busy (they are talking to someone on the phone), then the system will make 3 successive attempts to recall the client. First attempt is performed 5 seconds after the original call. If the client number is busy, the system will perform the next attempt. The second attempt is performed 5 seconds after the first attempt is complete. If the client's number is still busy, the system will perform the next attempt. And the third attempt is performed 5 seconds after the second attempt. If, on the 3rd attempt, the system reaches the client or their phone number is still busy, then the system will no longer attempt to call the client.


You select the If Busy rule with an interval of 5 seconds and 3 attempts. On the 1st redial attempt, the client accepts the call. The system will not make the next 2 dialing attempts.


You select the If Busy rule with an interval of 5 seconds and 3 attempts. If on the 3rd dialing attempt, the system detects another event (for example, the client number is unavailable), the system will continue to perform the 3rd dialing attempt until it detects that the number client is busy. That is, a dialing attempt counts only if the client answers the call or the system detects a "busy" status. Until then, the system will continue to execute the current dialing attempt, and the counter of completed dialing attempts for the selected rule will not change.


If you You select the If Busy rule and the If the call is short rule, and on . On the 3rd dialing attempt according to the Busy rule, the client answers the call and then ends it within the duration of the short call you specified, . In this case the system will not count the 3rd dialing attempt according to the  the If Busy rule and after . After the end of the call it will repeat the 3rd dialing attempt. At the same time, the system will count the 1st dialing attempt under the If the call is short rule. As a result, the counter of completed dialing attempts will change only for the If the call is short rule. The counter of completed dialing attempts for the If Busy rule will remain unchanged.



recall rules

To edit call forwarding rules, do the following:

 1.  On the Recall Rulesrules page, clickfor a set of recall rules that you want to change.

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 2. In the Change Recall Rulerecall rule dialog box, make necessary changes and click Save.



The steps for editing recall rules are similar to those described in the Creating New Recall Rulesnew recall rules section.



recall rules

If you do not use a certain set of call forwarding rules, you can delete it. For this, click next to the name of a necessary set of rules.

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The selected set of rules will be deleted.
