Сравнение версий


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On the side menu click Statistics Analytics. As a result the Analytics page will open.

The Analytics page provides general information about all messages sent using supported communication channels (i.e., SMS, Viber, Email, WhatsApp).


On the Reports page you can search for specific reports and filter reports by creation date.

To find a necessary report enter its name in the Search field at the top of the page.


To filter reports by category use the buttons located at the top right corner of the page.

When you click on one of these buttons, the system displays only those reports that belong to the selected category.


On the side menu click Statistics Invoices. A page will open with a list of monthly bills that you need to pay for using Twin services. The system generates invoices automatically in the end of every month.

In the center of the page there is a list of invoices that provides the following information:


At the top of the page there are control elements that you can use to search for specific invoices and filter invoices for the necessary period of time.

To find the necessary invoice, enter its ID in the Account ID field.


In the opened menu enter the amount that you want to pay and then click Create an invoice.

The system will generate an invoice with the specified amount.

To download the generated invoice сlick in the necessary line. The generated invoice will be downloaded as a PDF.

After you make a payment, the corresponding amount will be added to your balance.


To view account transactions, click on the area with information about your balance at the top of the page and select Account detail.

As a result the Account transactions page will open. This page contains information about all deposits you have made to your company's account over a certain period of time.

At the top of the page there are control elements that allow you to set the necessary period of time to display information about account transactions.


On the side menu click Statistics Chat graphs. As a result the Chat graphs page will open that uses counters, charts and graphs to provide statistical information about all your client chats.

At the top of the page there are control elements that allow you to set up parameters and time period to display the necessary information.

In the All chat field you can select the necessary chat in an instant messenger. You can select any chat that is available on the list of chat configurations that you have created for your website pages or linked to social networks and / or third-party services using the API.


To display statistics about operator's responses to clients select the There are customer messages check box.

In the All group field you can select the necessary group of operators for graphs. This option works only in case there is at least one group of operators in your account settings.
