Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


As a result the system wil generate the report that contains all displayed information.

When the report is generated, you can download it from the Reports page.

The generated report contains the following information:


    • Not defined – there was no answer, or the dialogue ended before the responder is identified.
    • Answering machine – the system detected an answering machine.
    • Human – the system detected a hunan.
  • Call status name – name of the call status.
  • Call duration – duration of the call (in seconds).
  • Call duration – duration of the dialogue (in seconds).
  • Call status – call status.
  • Total call fee – cost of the call.
  • IVR listened – determines if there was a voice menu.
  • Duration (in sec.) of the listened IVR – time in seconds that the voice menu was played (refers to IVR and is not used by Twin voice bots).
  • Button press – determines which button the robot pressed when interacting with the voice menu, belongs to IVR and is not used by Twin voice bots.
  • Call status – call status (related to IVR and is not used by Twin voice bots).
  • Call record path – the link that you can use to download the record of the call.
  • Dialog text – text of the dialogue with the client.
  • Bot dialog duration – duration of the dialogue between the bot and the client.
  • Bot dialog fee – cost for using the bot.
  • Hang up by – displays who finished the call (bot or human).
  • Gender – determines the gender of the client.
  • Robot help request – displays whether the bot transferred the dialogue to the operator.
  • Dialog markers – the value of the last block marker at the moment when the call was finished. 

When the report is generated, you can download it from the Reports page.


Button Hyperlink
