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With Using control elements located at the top of the page you can set the necessary period of time for statistical information. When you set a period of time period you also need to choose the necessary time that will mark the start of this period.


On the side menu select click Statistics Reports. A page will open with a list of reports that containing payment information that were was generated automatically by the system or manually by the user.


  • Generated
  • Generating
  • Error
  • All

The Reports page also contains control elements that you can use to set the necessary period of time period to display reports.


When you set a period of time period to display reports you also need to choose the necessary time that will mark the start of this period.

In the center of the page there is a list of reports that provides the following information:

  • Name report name
  • Service – communication channel that was used to send messages to clients
  • Type type of service for which the system generates a report
  • Status current status of the report
  • Added date when report is createdgenerated
  • Formed – date when a report file is created for download

The reports list also contains control elements that you can use to load, regenerate and delete reports:.

Searching for reports

On the Reports page you can search for specific reports and filter reports for the necessary period of time. This feature is especially useful if the list of reports is very long.


When you filter reports for the necessary period of time, you need to set the report creation date and time.

To find the a necessary report , enter its name in the Search field at the top of the page. Search results are displayed automatically.

To filter reports for the necessary period of time , specify the start date and the end date of this period in the Creation date field.


To When you filter reports for the necessary period of time, you also need to specify choose the necessary time that will mark the start time of that this period.

To clear the specified values, use the Clear button.

Filtering reports by category

You can use the filter function to On the Reports page you can quickly display all reports that belong to the necessary category (i.e., all generated reports or

The following categories are available:

  • Generated – displays all generated reports that are ready for download
  • Generating – displays all reports that the system prepares for download
  • Error – displays all reports generated with an error


  • All – displays all reports

To filter reports by category, use the buttons located at the top right corner of the page.


When you click one of these buttons, the system displays only those reports that belong to the selected category.

You can filter reports by the following categories:



Action with reports

The Reports page contains control elements that you can use to perform the following actions with reports:

– to regenerate a report (if the system generates a report with an error, you can use this button to make another attempt).

– to download a report . Click (click on this button to download a report. The report will be downloaded as an Excel file).

– to delete a report . Click (click on this button to delete a report that you do not need).


The Invoices page contains a list of monthly invoices for the use of bills that you need to pay for using Twin services. The system generates invoices automatically in the end of every month.


To filter invoices for the necessary period of time , specify the start date and the end date of this period in the next field.


To When you filter invoices for the necessary period of time, you also need to specify choose the necessary time that will mark the start time of that this period.

Search results are displayed automatically.

To clear the specified values , use the Clear button.

In the center of the page there is a list of invoices that provides the following information:

  • Account number – number of the generated invoice. When the system generates an invoice, it automatically creates the account number for that invoice.
  • File name – name of file with payment information. The file name includes the account number and creation date of the invoice.
  • Amount - amount you need to pay for using Twin services.
  • Period - period of time for which you need to pay. Reports are generated for a period of one month.
  • Created at - report creation date (along with creation and time).


The Invoices page also contains the following control elements:

- – to download an invoice. Clicking this button you will download an invoice as a PDF. This file contains information about the supplier and the buyer as well as detailed information on the expenses for a period of one month.

- displays – to display revisions. In case there are changes in the tariff cost or the user pays a part of their monthly expenses before the invoice is ready, the a Twin employee, who is responsible for dealing with financial information, can make changes to the invoice. In this case , clicking when you click on this button displays , the system will display a list of revisions, which contains the following information:

  • Amount – amount that the user has already paid for the specified period
  • Revised at – date on which the Twin employee edits the invoice.
  • By whom – full name of the Twin employee who edits the invoice.
  • Email e-mail address of the Twin employee.
  • Comment comment made by the Twin employee.
  • Actions – button that you use to download a new invoice with changes made by the Twin employee.
