Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


  • Generated – displays all generated reports that are ready for download
  • Generating – displays all reports that the system prepares for download
  • Error – displays all reports generated with an error
  • All – displays all reports

Action with reports

The Reports page contains control elements that you can use to perform the following actions with reports:

Image Added – to regenerate a report (if the system generates a report with an error, you can use this button to make another attempt).

Image Added – to download a report. Click this button to download a report. The report will be downloaded as an Excel file.

Image Added – to delete a report. Click this button to delete a report that you do not need.

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The Invoices page contains a list of monthly invoices for the use of Twin services. The system generates invoices automatically in the end of every month.

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At the top of the page there are control elements that you can use to search for specific invoices and filter invoices for the necessary period of time.

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To find the necessary invoice, enter its ID in the Account ID field.

To filter invoices for the necessary period of time, specify the start date and the end date of this period in the next field.


To filter invoices for the necessary period of time, you also need to specify the start time of that period.

Search results are displayed automatically.

To clear the specified values, use the Clear button.

In the center of the page there is a list of invoices that provides the following information:

  • Account number – number of the generated invoice. When the system generates an invoice, it automatically creates the account number for that invoice
  • File name – name of file with payment information. The file name includes the account number and creation date of the invoice
  • Amount - amount you need to pay for using Twin services
  • Period - period for which you need to pay. Reports are generated for a period of one month.
  • Created at - report creation date (along with creation time).

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The page also contains the following control elements:

Image Added - download an invoice. Clicking this button you will download an invoice as a PDF. This file contains information about the supplier and the buyer as well as detailed information on the expenses for a period of one month.

Image Added - displays revisions. In case there are changes in the tariff or the user pays a part of their monthly expenses before the invoice is ready, the Twin employee can make changes to the invoice. In this case, clicking on this button displays a list of revisions, which contains the following information:

  • Amount – amount that the user has already paid for the specified period
  • Revised at – date on which the Twin employee edits the invoice.
  • By whom – full name of the Twin employee who edits the invoice.
  • Email e-mail address of the Twin employee.
  • Comment comment made by the Twin employee.
  • Actions – button that you use to download a new invoice with changes made by the Twin employee.

Creating an invoice

To create an invoice, click on the area with information about your balance at the top of the page and select Create invoice on the menu.

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In the opened menu, enter the necessary amount and then click Create an invoice.

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The system will generate an invoice with the specified amount.

To download the generated invoice, do the following:

1. On the side menu, click Statistics Invoices.

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2. Click Image Added in the line for the necessary invoice. The generated invoice will be downloaded as a PDF.

After you make a payment, the corresponding amount will be added to your balance.


Message Box


To generate an invoice, you need to specify information about your company and payment details in your company settings. If any of this information is missing (for example, a postal code), then at the attempt to create an invoice, the system will display a message asking you to fill in the company details. Until then you cannot generate invoices.

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Viewing account transactions

To view account transactions, click on the area with information about your balance at the top of the page and select Account detail.

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The Account transactions page will open. This page contains information about all deposits you have made to your company's account over a certain period of time.

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At the top of the page there are control elements that allow you to select the necessary period of time.

In the center of the page there is a list of records with the following information:

  • Date – payment date
  • Base – payment reason (with indication of the account number and payment amount)
  • Refill – paid amount
  • Company number – company ID on the Twin platform

Chat graphs

To display chat graphs, on the side menu click Statistics Chat graphs.

This page uses counters, charts and graphs to provide statistical information on all client chats.

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At the top of the page there are control elements that allow you to set up parameters and time period for the necessary information.

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In the All chat field you can select the necessary chat in an instant messenger. You can select any chat that is available on the list of chat configurations that you have created for your website pages or linked to social networks and / or third-party services using the API.

In the All operators field you can select a chat operator whose statistics you want to display. You can select any user name that is displayed on the Operators groups page. You can display statistics for one or multiple operators simultaneously.

In the All messengers field you can select an instant messenger that is used to send messages to clients. You can display statistics for one or multiple instant messengers simultaneously.

The following instant messengers are available:

  • Web
  • Telegram
  • Whatsapp
  • Viber
  • Facebook
  • Alice
  • Yandex
  • Vkontakte
  • Skype
  • Slack
  • Wechat
  • Snapchat
  • Line

In the All bot field, you can select the necessary script that was used in client calls and chats.

To display statistics about operator's responses to client messages, select the There are customer messages check box.

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In the All group field you can select the necessary group of operators for charts. This option works only in case there is at least one group of operators in your account settings.

In the last field, you can set the necessary period of time for charts. You need to select the start date and the end date of this period.


You also need to specify the start time of that period.

To clear the specified values, use the Clear button.


To view statistical information using Grafana tools, click Image Added.

The Chat graphs page contains the following information:

  • General information on dialogues with clients:
    • Total number of dialogues
    • The count handled by the robot
    • The percent handled by the robot
    • The count handled by the operator
    • The percent handled by the operator

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  • General information about the cost of all messages sent in client chats:
    • Chats cost per period divided by name
    • Chats cost by day

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  • General information about the number of client messages in instant messengers:
    • Chats the number of messages from users in messengers
    • Chats the number of user messages by day

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  • General information about the number of operator messages in messengers:
    • Chat the number of messages by operators
    • Chat the number of user messages by day

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  • General information about the number of messages sent by clients, operators and robots:
    • Chats the number of messages from users by day
    • Chats the number of robot messages by day
    • Chats the number of messages from operators by day

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  • General information about the most frequent phrases in chats:
    • Chats popular user phrases
    • Chats popular robot phrases

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  • General information about the number of operator's sessions in chats:
    • The number of operator dialogs in which they wrote messages
    • Number of active dialogs by operator

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    • Number of skipped dialogs by operator
    • Dialogs web widget by coordinates

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  • General information about the activity of operators:
    • Operator activity (online)
    • Operator activity (paused)

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Notification graphs

The Notification graphs page contains counters, charts and graphs that provide statistical information about all messages sent to clients via different communication channels.

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At the top of the page there are control elements that allow you to set up parameters and time period for the necessary information.

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In the first field you can select the necessary channel that is used to send messages to clients.

In the second field select the necessary status. The following values are available:

  • All statuses – displays all messages.
  • Created – displays all created but not yet sent messages.
  • Pending – displays all messages that the system is sending to clients.
  • Delivered – displays all messages that were delivered to clients.
  • Undelivered – displays all messages that were not delivered to clients.
  • Canceled - displays all messages that were not sent to clients because the user cancelled the sending process.
  • Error displays all messages that were sent with an error (for example, a technical error that the mobile network carrier is responsible for).
  • Delayed – displays all messages that will be sent at the time specified in the notification template.
  • Created, optional – displays all messages that were created but not yet sent. The Required checkbox is not selected in message settings.
  • Omitted, optional – displays all messages that were sent using a different communication channel (i.e., SMS) because the system failed to sent them using the selected communication channel (i.e., Viber).

In the next field you can set the necessary period of time to display information. You need to specify the start date and the end date of this period.


You also need to specify the start time of that period.

To clear the specified values, use the Clear button.


To view statistical information using Grafana tools, click Image Added.

The Notification graphs section provides the following information:

  • General information about the number of text messages:
    • Text messages by status
    • Text messages by status (short statuses)
    • Notifications
    • Amount of text messages sent through channels

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    • Text messages sent and divided by channels and by days
    • Text messages delivered and divided by channel and by days

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    • Amount of parts of SMS messages

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  •  General information about messages sent using Viber:
    • Viber by statuses and by days
    • Viber by statuses and by days in percentages

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Telephony graphs

The Telephony Graphs page contains counters, charts and graphs that provide statistical information about all client calls that you made on the Twin platform.

To open the Telephony Graphs page, click Statistics Telephony Graphs on the side menu.

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At the top of the page there is a field that allows you to set up parameters and time period for the necessary information.

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In this field you can set the necessary period of time to display information. You need to specify the start date and the end date of this period.


You also need to specify the start time of that period.

To clear the specified values, use the Clear button.


To view statistical information using Grafana tools, click Image Added.

The Telephony graph page contains the following information:

  • General information:
    • Evaluation of the bot's work (pie chart)
    • Volume of contact

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  • General information on calls:
    • Calls for the duration of the 15 min. (pie chart)
    • Calls for the duration of the 60 min. (pie chart)
    • Calls by status for today (pie chart)
    • Calls by status for year (pie chart)
    • Calls by status for 15 min. (pie chart)
    • Calls by status for 30 min. (pie chart)
    • Calls by duration for today (pie chart)
    • Calls for the duration of the year

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  • General information about the number of calls and the average dialogue time:
    • Trunking level CPS (calls per second)
    • Average handling time

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