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titleOn this page:


Searchning For Call Tasks

On the Call tasks page, you can search for your call tasks.


If the call task list is very large, then using this function you can quickly find the call task you need.

There are 2 options you can use to search for call tasks:

  • Search for call tasks by content;
  • Search for call tasks by date.

Image Added

Search by content includes the following parameters:

  • Id – call task identification number. This number is assigned to each call task automatically when it is created
  • Task name – name you entered for the call task when it was created
  • Count phone numbers – total phone numbers in the call task
  • Dial-up attempts – total number of calls (including repeated calls) that the system made

To search for a call task by content, enter a desired value in the field on the left side of the page. Search results are displayed automatically. Use the Clear button to clear the search fields from the specified values.

To search for a call task by date, enter a desired date and time in the field on the left side of the page. Search results are displayed automatically. Use the Clear button to clear the search fields from the specified values.

Filtering Call Tasks

On the Call tasks page, you can filter call tasks by categories.


Using this function, you can quickly find call tasks you need (for example, all call tasks that are in progress or call tasks that have been scheduled but are not started).

To filter call tasks, use the filtration buttons located in the upper right corner of the page.

Image Added

When you click a filtration button, only call tasks that belong to the selected filtration category are displayed.

The following filtration categories are available:

  • All – all call tasks are displayed
  • Active – all call tasks that are currently in progress are displayed
  • Scheduled – all call tasks that have been scheduled but not started are displayed
  • Completed  all completed call tasks are displayed

Editing Call Tasks

To edit a call task, click the Image Added button for the desired record on the list.

Image Added

As a result, the following dialog window will open as displayed in the image below.

Image Added

The steps in editing a call task are similar to those described in section Creating New Call Tasks.

Deleting Call Tasks

To delete a call task, do the following:

      1. On the Call tasks page, click Image Added for a task you want to delete.

Image Added

      2. In the dialog box, click OK to confirm the action

Image Added

The selected call task will be deleted.


